BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080426T000000Z DTEND:20080426T000000Z DESCRIPTION:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE\nApril 1\, 2008\n\nContact:\nGann Matsuda \n(310) 825-2488\npublicrelations-at-manzanarcommittee-dot-org\n\n\n39th A NNUAL MANZANAR PILGRIMAGE SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 26\nBUS TRANSPORTATION AVAIL ABLE FROM LOS ANGELES\n\n\n“Continuing The Legacy” is the theme for th e 39th annual Manzanar Pilgrimage\, sponsored by the Manzanar Committee\, which will be held on Saturday\, April 26\, 2008 at the Manzanar National Historic Site\, located on US Highway 395 in California’s Owens Valley\, between the towns of Lone Pine and Independence\, California\, approximat ely 230 miles north of Los Angeles.\n\nEach year\, hundreds of students\, teachers\, community members\, clergy and former internees attend the Pilg rimage. This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the passage of the Ci vil Liberties Act of 1988\, which provided an official government apology and reparations to thousands of Japanese Americans imprisoned without due process in ten concentration camps located in the most desolate\, isolated regions of the United States. Manzanar was the first of these camps to be established.\n\nThe afternoon program begins at noon at the Manzanar ceme tery site\, with a performance by UCLA Kyodo Taiko.\n\nFeatured speakers a re Dr. Arthur A. Hansen\, Professor of History\, California State Universi ty\, Fullerton and co-author of Manzanar Martyr\, Bruce Kaji\, a former Ma nzanar internee and Mickie Okamoto\, President of the Nikkei Student Union at UCLA.\n\nThe afternoon program will conclude with the traditional inte rfaith service and Ondo dancing.\n\nIn addition to the daytime program\, t he popular Manzanar At Dusk (MAD) program is scheduled from 4:00 PM to 7:3 0 PM with a screening of “Music Man of Manzanar\,” a short documentary film by Brian Maeda. The filmmaker\, along with original members of the “Jive Bombers” will be in attendance for a brief question and answer p eriod following the screening.\n\nMAD participants will then have the oppo rtunity to interact with former internees in attendance to hear their pers onal stories and discuss the relevance of the concentration camp experienc e to present-day events and issues.\n\nFurther details about the daytime p rogram and Manzanar At Dusk will be announced at a later date.\n\n“This is an opportunity for the public to hear and see first-hand\, how executiv e decisions and public hysteria can undermine the basic liberties we take for granted\,” said Kerry Cababa\, Co-Chair of the Manzanar Committee. “When people come to the Pilgrimage\, they are hit with the reality that this really happened and if we don’t remain vigilant\, it will happen a gain.”\n\nThe Manzanar Committee has also announced that bus transportat ion to the Pilgrimage will be available from Los Angeles.\n\nTwo air-condi tioned buses will depart from in front of the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo (369 East First Street\, between Ala meda Street and Central Avenue) at 7:00 AM on April 26. All-day parking is available for $6.00 across from the departure point.\n\nOne bus will leav e Manzanar at 4:00 PM\, arriving in Los Angeles at approximately 8:30 PM. The other bus will leave Manzanar at 7:30 PM\, arriving in Los Angeles at midnight.\n\nBoth buses will also take participants to the Interpretive Ce nter at the Manzanar National Historic Site. Those wishing to participate in the Manzanar At Dusk program should make reservations on the bus leavin g Manzanar at 7:30 PM.\n\nReservations are now being accepted from members of the general public on a first-come\, first-served basis by sending e-m ail to or by calling (323) 662-5102. The non-refundabl e fare is $40.00 per seat if reserved before April 21 or $50.00 after that date.\n\nPilgrimage participants are advised bring their own lunch\, drin k and snacks as there are no facilities to purchase food at the Manzanar N ational Historic Site (restaurants and fast food outlets are located in ne arby towns). Water will be provided at the site.\n\nFor more information a bout the Pilgrimage events\, please contact the Manzanar Committee at (310 ) 532-7562 or (310) 908-7508\, check their web site at http://www.manzanar or send e-mail to info-at-manzanarcommittee-dot-org.\n\n-30- DTSTAMP:20240601T115931Z SUMMARY:39th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage URL:/en/events/2008/04/26/39th-annual-manzanar-pilgrimage/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR