BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060218T000000Z DTEND:20060218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Justice Denied: Remembering 1942</strong>\n\nThe Day of Remembrance commemorates President Roosevelt's signing of Executive Order 9066\, which allowed the U.S. government to wrongfully imprison Americans of Japanese ancestry and Japanese immigrants. February 18 is a day to ref lect on those events surrounding the internment of Japanese Americans\, an d to continue telling the story of this infamous chapter in U.S. history.\ n\nThe program begins at 10:00am at the MAX Expo Center station (Interstat e MAX yellow line) and continues in hall "D" of the Expo Center.\n\nSponso red by Unite People Youth Group\, Japanese Ancestral Society\, Oregon Nikk ei Legacy Center\, Portland chapter of Japanese American Citizens League\, Epworth United Methodist Church\, Hiroshima Club\, JASO\, Nikkei Fujinkai \, and Veleda Club.\n\nParking at the Expo Center is $7 per vehicle. DTSTAMP:20240605T081645Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance\, Portland\, Oregon URL:/en/events/2006/02/18/day-of-remembrance-portland-oregon/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR