BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101030T000000Z DTEND:20101030T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\nOpen Auditions\n\n<!-- page title End --> <!-- content star t -->\n\nSan Jose Taiko is a world-renowned arts company that performs across North America and the globe sharing the dynamic art form of taiko drumming. We are looking for potential talent to join our training program which feeds into our professional company. Taiko experience is preferred\, but not necessary.\n\nSan Jose Taiko's perfo rmance style is a fusion of athleticism\, musicianship\, dance\, and martial arts. Ideal candidates are experienced in at least one of these disciplines. Interested in challenging yours elf and becoming a part of our cultural arts community? J oin us for an hour-long audition to find out!\n\nWHEN: S aturday\, October 30th\, 2010&nbsp\; 9:30AM\n\nAUDITION FEE: None\n\nREGI STRATION: Call 408-293-9344 to pre-register. Pre-registration is high ly encouraged although walkups will be accepted. If you need to reac h us on the morning of the audition please call the studio phone at 408-2 79-2780.\n\nLOOKING FOR: Ages 18 and up. Taiko experience recommended but not required.\n\nWHAT TO BRING: Comfortable clothes. Workshop will b e done in bare feet.\n\nINFORMATION: Visit our <a href=" /auditions/auditions_faq.html">OPEN AUDITION FAQ page</a> \, email <a hre f=""></a> or call 408-293-9344. DTSTAMP:20240601T095648Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko - Open Auditions URL:/en/events/2010/10/30/san-jose-taiko-open-auditions/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR