BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101104T000000Z DTEND:20101104T000000Z DESCRIPTION:National Japanese American Memorial Foundation celebrates the 1 0th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Japanese American Memorial to Pat riotism During World War II\n\n<strong>10th Anniversary Gala Celebration</ strong>\n\nLiving History. Our Story. Your Rights. Breaking the Code.\n\nC ode breaking&mdash\;a fitting theme for the Memorial&rsquo\;s 10th anniver sary year. Breaking codes of those who would attack the United States. Bre aking codes of injustice. Breaking codes of neglect by ensuring that histo ry does not crumble into abstractions. Breaking codes of silence so that s tories of people\, places and events are well-remembered.\n\n<strong>Honor ing:</strong>\n<strong>The Honorable John Paul Stevens</strong> of the Sup reme Court of the United States\n NJAMF Award for Constitutional Rights\n\ n<strong> Mr. Grant Ichikawa</strong>\, First Lieutenant on behalf of WWII Japanese American Military Intelligence Service (MIS) Veterans\n NJAMF Aw ard for Patriotism\n\n<strong> The Honorable Ken Salazar</strong>\, Secret ary\, U.S. Department of Interior (invited) on behalf of National Park Ser vice\n NJAMF Chairman&rsquo\;s Award\n\n<strong> Thursday\, November 4\, 2 010</strong>\n 11:30 am Reception \n 12:00 pm Luncheon Program\n\n<a hre f="" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T042333Z SUMMARY:NJAMF 10th Anniversary Gala Celebration URL:/en/events/2010/11/04/njamf-10th-anniversary-gala-celebration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR