BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110714T000000Z DTEND:20110911T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In conjunction with the exhibition\, <a href="http://www.janm.o rg/exhibits/stansakai/"><em>Year of the Rabbit: Stan Sakai&rsquo\;s Usagi Yojimbo</em></a> (July 9 through October 30\, 2011)\, a gathering of artis ts (new and old friends of the Museum) will work their creative magic on F rank Kozik&rsquo\;s Happy Labbit toy! A special surprise work by Frank Koz ik\, creator of the Happy Labbit\, will be part of the show. Come see the work of your favorite JANM artists!\n\n<strong>Participating artists:</str ong>\n\nAlexandra Gjurasic &bull\; Aline Yamada &bull\; Ambre Aki Gonzales &bull\; Amy Inouye &bull\; Betty Wan Hamada &bull\; Bevl &bull\; Camilla d&rsquo\;Errico &bull\; Catherine Brooks &bull\; Christina Conway &bull\; Dacosta! &bull\; David Kawano &bull\; Donna Ikkanda &bull\; Edwin Ushiro & bull\; egg scissors &bull\; Emi Motokawa &bull\; Frank Kozik &bull\; Harmo ny Gong &bull\; James Watts &bull\; Jimmy Mirikitani &bull\; Joel Nakamura &bull\; Julie Bagish &bull\; Kathy Yoshihara &bull\; Kip Fulbeck &bull\; Koji Harmon &bull\; Konatsu &bull\; Liane Shih &bull\; Lou Pimentel &bull\ ; Margaret Kasahara &bull\; Marilyn Frandsen &bull\; Mark Nagata &bull\; M ark Pilon &bull\; Martin Ontiveros &bull\; Mike Shinoda &bull\; Namiko Son abe &bull\; Nicole DeLeon &bull\; Qris Yamashita &bull\; Stan Sakai &bull\ ; Stuart Rapeport &bull\; Tulip &bull\; Warner K. Varno &bull\; Yoskay Yam amoto &bull\; Zakka &bull\; ZOLO\n\n<strong>All pieces will be available f or sale through the Museum Store.</strong>\n\nSponsored in part by kidrobo t.\n\n<a href="" target="_blank">For m ore information &gt\;&gt\;</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T143448Z SUMMARY:Year of the Labbit Custom Show URL:/en/events/2011/07/14/year-of-the-labbit-custom-show/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR