BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110925T000000Z DTEND:20120115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>\nThe Art of Gaman</em>&nbsp\;showcases arts and crafts mad e by Japanese Americans in U.S. internment camps during World War II. Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941\, all ethnic Japanese on the West Coast&mdash\;more than two‐thirds of whom were American citi zens&mdash\;were ordered to leave their homes and move to ten inland inter nment camps for the duration of the war. While in these bleak camps\, the internees used scraps and found materials to make furniture and other obje cts to beautify their surroundings. Arts and crafts became essential for s imple creature comforts and emotional survival.\n\nThese objects&mdash\;to ols\, teapots\, furniture\, toys and games\, musical instruments\, pendant s and pins\, purses and ornamental displays&mdash\;are physical manifestat ions of the art of gaman\, a Japanese word that means to bear the\nseeming ly unbearable with dignity and patience.\n\nThe exhibition features more t han 120 objects\, on loan from former internees or their families.\n\nThe Art of Gaman is organized by curator Delphine Hirasuna\, with advisory sup port from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.\n\nPHOTO &gt\;\nPainted woo d carving\nArtist: Unknown\nCamp: Heart Mountain\, Wyoming\nArt of Gaman\, by Delphine Hirasuna\, copyright 2005\, Ten Speed. Terry Heffernan photo. DTSTAMP:20240601T135707Z SUMMARY:THE ART OF GAMAN: ARTS AND CRAFTS FROM THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERN MENT CAMPS\, 1942‐1946 URL:/en/events/2011/09/25/the-art-of-gaman-arts-and-crafts-from-the-japanes / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR