BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111119T000000Z DTEND:20120115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Created by the University of New Mexico&rsquo\;s University Art Museum\, the&nbsp\;<em>Desire for Magic: Patrick Nagatani</em>&nbsp\;exhi bition was conceived as the first comprehensive look at the many and varie d projects the artist has worked on since 1978.\n\nThe exhibition is an un ique opportunity to see both the extensive range of Nagatani&rsquo\;s dire ctorial approach and the breadth of his color photography as he addresses issues surrounding the human condition\; politics and the fragile\, ever-c hanging environment\; concerns about identity and self\; and the invention and interpretation of history.\n\n<em>Desire for Magic: Patrick Nagatani 1978&ndash\;2008</em>&nbsp\;was curated by Michele M. Penhall and organize d by the University of New Mexico Art Museum\, Albuquerque\, New Mexico. G enerous support for the exhibition and publication was made possible by Ku rt&rsquo\;s Camera Corral Inc.\, Dr. Jane Blumenfeld\, and Dr. Christopher Mead\, Dr. Joyce Szabo\, and the Dean&rsquo\;s Circle in the College of F ine Arts\, University of New Mexico. Additional publication funding was pr ovided by grants from the New Mexico Council on Photography. Additional su pport for the Los Angeles presentation provided by Ben Kitagawa.\n<em></em >\n<em>Image:&nbsp\;</em>Japanese Children&rsquo\;s Day Carp Banners\, Pag uate Village\, Jackpile Mine Uranium Tailings\, Laguna Pueblo Reservation\ , New Mexico<em>\, 1990\, Chromogenic print</em> DTSTAMP:20240601T125314Z SUMMARY:EXHIBITION: Desire for Magic: Patrick Nagatani URL:/en/events/2011/11/19/exhibition-desire-for-magic-patrick-nagatani/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR