BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120223T000000Z DTEND:20120225T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Ms. Tokuro Miyake is the 10th person in her long family line of theatrical comedians\, practitioners of the dextrous verbal art of<em>kyo gen</em> . She has been recognized as one of the first and finest female&n bsp\; <em>kyogen</em> &nbsp\; performers in Japan\, and so you North Dakot ans are all very fortunate to have her grace the stage at Fargo's North Da kota State University for a traditionally mounted (that means costumes\, m asks\, and the works)&nbsp\; <em>kyogen</em> &nbsp\; comedy performance ru nning Thursday\, February 23 to Sunday\, February 26. \n\nDate\nThursday - Saturday\, February 23-25\, 7:30 PM\n Sunday\, February 27\, 2:00 PM\n\nP lace\nAskanase Auditorium\n Reineke Fine Arts Center\n 12th Avenue North & amp\; Bolley Drive\n Fargo\, North Dakota 58108\n (<a style="color: #1155c c\;" href=" Y2hpY2dqIDAxLzMwLzIwMTIgMTc6NTQ6MzY%3d&amp\;x=548bc5fb" target="_blank">Ma p &amp\; Directions</a> )\n\nInfo\n\n<a style="color: #1155cc\;" href="htt p:// MwLzIwMTIgMTc6NTQ6MzY%3d&amp\;x=0f72a155" target="_blank">Wokashi at NDSU< /a> DTSTAMP:20240601T104110Z SUMMARY:Wokashi: Classic Japanese Comedies at North Dakota State University URL:/en/events/2012/02/23/wokashi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR