BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120215T000000Z DTEND:20120215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:South Seattle Community College\, Jerry M. Brockey\, Room A\n\n 6000 16th Avenue SW\, Seattle\, WA 98106\, 206-934-5214 or <a href="mail"><span style="color: windowtext\;"> </a> \, for more information\, <a h ref=""><span style="color: windowtext\;">www.s </a>\n\nWednesday\, February 15\, 2012\, 11 am-1pm \, Free event \n\nFrom 11 am -11:50 am\, Mary Matsuda Gruenewald\, will discuss h er memoir\, <em>Looking Like the Enemy</em> \, and share her story of bein g at several American Incarceration Camps. From 12-12:50pm\, Mary Matsuda Gruenewald will be joined by Mark Mitsui\,&nbsp\;former Vice President of Student Services at South Seattle Community College and current President of North Seattle Community College. A photo exhibit by Teresa Tamura will also be on display all week in the school library. Sponsored by South S eattle Community College Office of Diversity &amp\; Retention.\n DTSTAMP:20240606T204522Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Day of Remembrance at South Seattle Community Col lege URL:/en/events/2012/02/15/japanese-american-day-of-remembrance-at-south-sea t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR