BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121007T000000Z DTEND:20121007T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Oregon Days of Culture</strong>\nOctober 1-8\, 2012\n\n Presented by the Oregon Cultural Trust\, the annual <a href="http://www.or" target="_blank">Oregon Days of Culture</a> take pl ace October 1 through October 8\, and celebrates the vibrancy of Oregon he ritage\, humanities and arts.\n\nAs part of Oregon Days of Culture\, the O regon Nikkei Legacy Center is hosting a <strong>Free Admission Day</strong > during exhibit hours on Sunday\, October 7\, the last day to see <a href =""><em>Roger Shimomura: S elections from Shadows of Minidoka</em></a>.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Cente r\n<a href="" target="_blank"> www.oregonnikke</a>\n 503-224-1458 DTSTAMP:20240611T045059Z SUMMARY:Free Admission Day at Ore. Nikkei Legacy Center URL:/en/events/2012/10/07/free-admission-day-at-ore-nikkei-legacy-center/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR