BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130106T000000Z DTEND:20130106T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE admission all day!</strong>\n\nRing in the New Yea r and the Year of the Snake with fun arts &lsquo\;n crafts\, food\, exciti ng cultural activities\, and performances!\n\n<a href=" /oshogatsufest" target="_blank">Check for updated i nfo &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>PERFORMANCES &amp\; FEATURE D ACTIVITIES</strong>\n\n12PM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 5PM: <strong>Snake Sculpture Candy</strong>\nWatch world-renowned candy artist Shaun Ichiyanagi make sn ake sculpture candy!<em>(For children only. Candy snakes will be raffled o ff at the start of every hour)</em>\n\n1PM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 3PM: <strong>Oni giri Design Contest</strong>\nLearn how to make onigiri rice balls in our Onigiri Contest.&nbsp\;<em>Sponsored by Common Grains</em>\n\n2:30PM&nbsp\ ;&amp\; 4PM: <strong>Mochitsuki</strong>\n<em>Mochitsuki</em>&nbsp\;(tradi tional rice cake pounding ceremony) performance and demonstration by Kodam a Taiko\n\n3:30PM: <strong>Onigiri Contest Winners</strong>\nAnnouncement of Onigiri Contest winners\n\n<strong>ACTIVITIES</strong>\n\n11AM&nbsp\;&n dash\; 5PM:&nbsp\;<strong>Snake Jumper</strong>\nJump around in our fun sn ake jumper!\n\n11AM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 5PM:&nbsp\;<strong>Toddler Room</strong >\nCome enjoy our fun Toddler Room\n\n11AM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 5PM:&nbsp\;<stro ng><em>Fukubukuro</em>&nbsp\;Sale</strong>\nSpecial&nbsp\;<em>fukubukuro</ em>&nbsp\;(lucky bag) sale at the Museum Store\n\n11:30AM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 1 PM:&nbsp\;<strong>Taste and purchase different varieties of rice</strong>\ n<em>Sponsored by Common Grains and JRE (Japan Rice and Rice Product Expor t Promotion Association)</em>\n\n12PM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 3PM:&nbsp\;<strong><e m>Omikuji</em></strong>\n<em>Omikuji</em>&nbsp\;(sacred lottery) will let you know what kind of year to expect!\n\n1PM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 3PM:&nbsp\;<st rong>Reptile Petting Zoo</strong>\nReptacular Animals presents a Reptile p etting zoo! Come meet real snakes and other cool reptiles!\n\n1PM&nbsp\;&n dash\; 4PM:&nbsp\;<strong>Face Painting</strong>\nParty Faces will paint y our face like your favorite zodiac animal!\n\n1PM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 5PM:&nbsp \;<strong>Zaru Soba noodles</strong>\nBegin the New Year with lucky&nbsp\; <em>zaru soba</em>&nbsp\;(buckwheat noodles) with Kidding Around the Kitch en\n\n2PM&nbsp\;&amp\; 3:30PM:&nbsp\;<strong>Learn to Play Taiko Drums</st rong>\nLearn how to play Japanese taiko drums with Bombu Taiko!\n\n<strong >ALL-DAY CRAFTS&nbsp\;(11AM&nbsp\;&ndash\; 5PM)</strong>\n<ul><li>Celebrat e the Year of the Snake by making some slithering snakes of your own!</li> <li>Make a decorative wreath including all the Asian zodiac animals</li><l i>Ruthie&rsquo\;s Origami Corner: Fold your own origami snake</li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240602T174447Z SUMMARY:Oshogatsu Family Festival URL:/en/events/2013/01/06/oshogatsu-family-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR