BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130103T000000Z DTEND:20131201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The On Common Ground exhibit focuses on the story of Heinlenvil le\, San Jose's last Chinatown. The exhibit\, which was unveiled by JAMsj guest curators\, Connie Young Yu and Leslie Masunaga on September 22\, 2012\, brings to light the historical context of the formation of Heinlen ville as well as the subsequent interplay between the Chinese and Japanes e communities.\n \n Heinlenville was born in 1888 the midst of rampant a nti-Chinese sentiment and racist terrorism. Fearing the violence and prop erty destruction that hit other Chinatowns\, John Heinlen (the businessma n founder of Heinlenville) built a high fence topped with barbed wire aro und the town to protect the residents and businesses. &quot\;No ruffians on horseback were liable to ride down the main street and drag Chinese by the queues as they once had in the past\,&quot\; Yu wrote in her seminal book\, Chinatown\, San Jose\, USA. \n \n Several years after the enactme nt of the Chinese Exclusion Act\, Japanese laborers came to San Jose and settled near the area of Heinlenville. &quot\;The newcomers (the Japanes e) inherited the phobia against Yellow Peril\, and heated political debat e arose again throughout the Pacific Coast over how to exclude a new infl ux of Asians\,&quot\; Yu said.\n \n Although John Heinlen created a sanct uary for Chinese residents and their businesses during a time of great xe nophobic turmoil\, not much is documented about John Heinlen's motivation s in helping the Chinese. In an effort to unveil his motivations\, Yu wro te in the preface to her book\, &quot\;The person that changed the destin y of the early Chinese community in San Jose left no other legacy than th e memory of a Chinatown\, once upon a time\, called Heinlenville. Consid ering its colorful history and the good people who lived in it and loved it well\, perhaps that alone shall suffice.&quot\; \n \n The exhibit feat ures artifacts from a 2008 Sonoma State University archaeological excavat ion of the Heinlenville site. Included in the collection are personal mem entos of the guest curators\, including a check made out by Masunaga's gr andfather to the Tuck Wo store\, and objects from Yu's family. There is a lso a video associated with the exhibit that incorporates photos and inte rviews.\n\nThe exhibit can be viewed Thursday to Sunday\, 12 to 4 pm.&nbsp \; For more info: DTSTAMP:20240607T184620Z SUMMARY:On Common Ground Exhibit URL:/en/events/2013/01/03/on-common-ground-exhibit/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR