BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130912T000000Z DTEND:20130914T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Being held since 1981\, the Nikkei Pan-American Convention (COP ANI) Is the most important Pan-Amercan Nikkei event.\n\nIt is a meeting po int for Nikkeis from the Americas and Japan where they can exchange experi ences\, learn each other and above all\, create friendship bonds beyond fr ontiers.\n\n<strong>LOCATION:</strong> \n InterContinental Buenos Aires\, Argentina\n\n<strong>DATE:</strong> \n September 12-14\, 2013\n\n<strong>L ANGUAGES:</strong> \n Spanish\, English\, and Japanese\n\n<strong>TOPIC:</ strong> \n Nikkei 3.0: Leading the Change\n\n<strong>For more information: </strong>\n<a href="" target="_blank">http://www</a>\n<a href="" target ="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240606T194800Z SUMMARY:XVII COPANI (Convención Panamericana Nikkei) URL:/en/events/2013/09/12/xvii-copani-convencion-panamericana-nikkei/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR