BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141010T000000Z DTEND:20150107T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>ZERO: Countdown to Tomorrow\, 1950s&ndash\;60s</em> \, is t he first large-scale historical survey in the United States dedicated to the German artists' group Zero (1957&ndash\;66) founded by Heinz Mack and Otto Piene and joined in 1961 by G&uuml\;nther Uecker\, and ZERO\, an in ternational network of like-minded artists from Europe\, Japan\, and Nort h and South America&mdash\;including Lucio Fontana\, Yves Klein\, Yayoi K usama\, Piero Manzoni\, Almir Mavignier\, Jan Schoonhoven\, and Jes&uacut e\;s Rafael Soto&mdash\;who shared the group&rsquo\;s aspiration to trans form and redefine art in the aftermath of World War II. Featuring more th an 40 artists from 10 countries\, the exhibition explores the experimenta l practices developed by this extensive ZERO network of artists\, whose w ork anticipated aspects of Land art\, Minimalism\, and Conceptual art. <e m>ZERO</em> encompasses a diverse range of media including painting\, scul pture\, works on paper\, installations\, and archival materials such as publications and photographic and filmic documentation. The exhibition is organized around points of intersection\, exchange\, and collaboration t hat defined these artists&rsquo\; shared history. Among the themes explore d are the establishment of new definitions of painting (such as the mono chrome\, serial structures\, and fire and smoke paintings)\; the introduc tion of movement and light as both formal and idea-based aspects of art\; the use of space as subject and material\; the interrogation of the rela tionship between nature\, technology\, and humankind\; and the production of live actions or demonstrations. At once a snapshot of a specific grou p and a portrait of a generation\, the show celebrates the pioneering nat ure of both the art and the transnational vision advanced by the ZERO net work during a pivotal decade.\n\nHours:\n Mon&ndash\;Wed\, Fri\, Sun 10am& ndash\;5:45pm\n Sat 10am&ndash\;7:45pm DTSTAMP:20240601T123706Z SUMMARY:ZERO: Countdown to Tomorrow\, 1950s–60s URL:/en/events/2014/10/10/zero-countdown-to-tomorrow-1950s60s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR