BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161007T000000Z DTEND:20161007T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are vying for the White House in one of the most tumultuous presidential elections in living memory. It leaves America at a crossroads\, raising profound questions about the futu re of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal\, global investment\, U.S. military commitments in Asia\, and China&rsquo\;s influence in the South C hina Sea. Clinton brings the foreign policy experience of a former secreta ry of state\, while Trump&rsquo\;s call to recast America&rsquo\;s positio n in the world is resonating with many voters. The stakes for relations be tween Tokyo and Washington could not be higher. In this discussion\, speak ers debate what the presidential election will mean for U.S. ties with Jap an and the rest of Asia.&nbsp\;\n<strong>Panelists:&nbsp\;</strong>\n<stro ng>Kent Calder</strong>\, Director\, Reischauer Center for East Asian Stud ies\, SAIS/Johns Hopkins University\; former Special Advisor to the U.S. A mbassador to Japan\n<strong>Takashi Imamura</strong>\, Senior Vice Preside nt &amp\; General Manager\, Marubeni America Corporation\, Washington Offi ce\n<strong>Torkel Patterson</strong>\, Member of the Board\, Central Japa n Railway Company\; former Special Assistant to the President\, former Sen ior Director Asia\, Deputy Assistant Secretary for South Asia\, U.S. Depar tment of State\n<strong>\nModerator:\nBarney Jopson</strong>\, U.S. Policy Correspondent\,&nbsp\;<em>Financial Times</em>\n<strong>Agenda</strong>\n 9&ndash\;9:30 AM &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Registrat ion &amp\; Buffet Breakfast&nbsp\;\n9:30&ndash\;11:30 AM &nbsp\; &nbsp\; & nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\; Panel Discussion and Q&amp\;A\n11:30 AM&ndash\;12:30 PM &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Networking Reception\n<st rong>Admission:&nbsp\;</strong>This is a free event. However\, you must re gister in advance in order to confirm your seat for the lecture. Seating i s available on a first come\, first served basis.&nbsp\;\nFor more informa tion\, please contact the Business &amp\;&nbsp\;Policy Program at 212-715- 1208 or email&nbsp\;<a href="">reg</a>.\nCo-organized by Nikkei America.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T075644Z SUMMARY:U.S.-Japan Relations: The 2016 Presidential Election &amp\; Beyond URL:/en/events/2016/10/07/us-japan-relations-the-2016-presidential-electi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR