BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170802T000000Z DTEND:20170802T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Question 27\, Question 28</em> tells the story of the force d removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans from the West Coast and its aftermath through the voices of a variety of Japanese American and non -Japanese American women. All of the play&rsquo\;s lines come from &ldquo\ ;interviews\, transcripts and testimonials&rdquo\; by women who lived thro ugh that experience. The cast includes four characters\, three Asian and o ne Caucasian\, who read the lines\, with the real-life figure from whose t estimony they come first identified. Among the many women whose words are used are Yuri Kochiyama\, Monica Sone\, Mary Tsukamoto\, Yoshiko Uchida an d many others\, including some non-Japanese Americans such as teacher Elea nor Gerard Sekerak and Eleanor Roosevelt. The cast includes <strong>Kirste n Fitzgerald</strong>\, <strong>Emily Kuroda</strong>\, <strong>Jeanne Sak ata</strong>\, and <strong>Tamlyn Tomita</strong>. A special exhibition t our will take place at 6pm at Alphawood Gallery prior to the performance DTSTAMP:20240603T174821Z SUMMARY:Victory Gardens Theater Presents Behind the Fence\, a two-play seri es: Question 27\, Question 28 URL:/en/events/2017/08/02/victory-gardens-theater-presents-behind-the-fence / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR