BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171018T000000Z DTEND:20171018T000000Z DESCRIPTION:How much do you really know about Zen? There is much more to th e practice and philosophy of Japan's most famed religious tradition than m eets the eye. The rich artistic tradition of Zen\, as well as everyday obj ects like staffs\, robes and rags\, provides clues to the complex thought underlying a tradition known for its simplicity. Dig beneath the stereotyp es and explore the profound ways in which art and artifacts can illuminate Zen thought with specialists&nbsp\;<strong>Pamela D. Winfield</strong>&nb sp\;and&nbsp\;<strong>Steven Heine</strong>\, co-editors of&nbsp\;<em>Zen and Material Culture</em>. Moderated by award-winning novelist\, filmmaker \, and Zen Buddhist priest&nbsp\;<strong>Ruth Ozeki</strong>.&nbsp\;<em>Fo llowed by a reception.</em>\n<strong>Tickets</strong>\n$14/$11 Japan Socie ty&nbsp\;<a href=" 5416.2066288184.1500905000-263364661.1455633754">members</a>\, seniors &am p\; students DTSTAMP:20240603T090859Z SUMMARY:Finding Zen: Uncovering Meaning in Art &amp\; Artifacts URL:/en/events/2017/10/18/finding-zen-uncovering-meaning-in-art-artifacts/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR