BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180810T000000Z DTEND:20180811T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join Lahaina Hongwanji's 2018 obon festival\, a celebration of Japanese culture\, religion\, and ancestry! Experience obon\, a summer tra dition brought to Hawaii by Japanese immigrants who sought to honor their ancestors and bring a bit of their Japanese roots to their new home. Enjoy the company of friends\, family\, and the community as you spend a night of eating and dancing together!\n\nSince the years since its founding in 1 904\, the Lahaina Hongwanji Mission has become the focal point of worship . This worship and fellowship have been supported by social activities su ch as Holiday Seasons&rsquo\; festivities\, Bazaars\, Obon Festivals\, mo chi-pounding\, crafts\, karaoke singing\, monthly memorial services\, sem inars\, Dharma School\, and much more. The mission held commemorative eve nts such as the 75th Anniversary Celebration\, the 80th Anniversary celeb ration\, and\, in October of 2004\, the Centennial Celebration. Lahaina H ongwanji has been a place where people gather to pause and reflect\, to w ork and play.\n\nFriday\, 8/10 - 7:30 p.m.\n\nSaturday\, 8/11 - 7:30 p.m.\ n\n<a href="">Learn more about L ahaina Hongwanji</a>\n\nPhone: (808) 661-0640 DTSTAMP:20240601T063459Z SUMMARY:Obon Festival - Lahaina Hongwanji URL:/en/events/2018/08/10/obon-festival-lahaina-hongwanji/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR