BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190804T000000Z DTEND:20190804T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese American Association of CO\n\nThe Nikkeijin Kai In vites Friends and Members to our annual JA Community Picnic\n\nWhat to bri ng: blankets\, camp chairs\, games\, Your Appetite\n\nFood: Beef Teriyaki\ , hot dogs\, salads\, onigiri\, chips\, buns\, bottled water\, juice\, sod a\, BYOB\, takuan\, salad and kim chee\, water by the JACL\, gifts- Koshin Trading\, Drinks by&nbsp\; PRCE\, okonomiyaki by JBAR\, Sun tens by Namik o's Resturant.&nbsp\;\n\nAgain! This year! JBAR will be grilling Okonomiya ki. Enjoy Yamagata Imoni and the Yamagata Dancers\n\nActivities- Children' s Games by the Colorado Japanese Schools\; Raffles &amp\; door prizes\n\n< strong>Directions to Picnic: </strong>From I-70 Exit Federal Blvd South\; Turn right (West) on to the 44th Ave\; Turn Right (North) on to Tennyson S t.\n\n<strong>Questions</strong>\, Contact:\n\nCalvin Hada (303) 550-7852\ n\nFrank Miyazawa (303) 237-8641 DTSTAMP:20240608T154709Z SUMMARY:Nikkeijin Kai Community Picnic URL:/en/events/2019/08/04/nikkeijin-kai-community-picnic/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR