BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191124T000000Z DTEND:20191124T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Sunday\, November 24 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.\n\nThe Secret T heatre &ndash\; 44-02 23rd Street\, Long Island City\n\nAdmission: General Admission $15 advance/$20 at the door\; Seniors and Students with ID $12 advance / $14 at the door\n\n<em>Jyo en</em>&nbsp\;is an original operetta performed in a style influenced by traditional Japanese theatre. Set in E do Period\, the plight of a young married woman\, wrestling with illicit d esires\, is told through dance\, text\, and arias sung in Japanese.\n\n<em >Jyo en</em>&nbsp\;by unShout the Noise Theater\nWritten by Lee Douglass a nd Toshinori Hamada\n\nMusic composed by Kento Watanabe\n\nDirected by Lee Douglass\n\n<strong>Performers</strong>\n<ul><li>Toshinori Hamada &ndash\ ; Yasunobu</li><li>Ayaka Yoshimoto &ndash\; Kaede</li><li>Satomi Shikata & ndash\; Ume</li><li>Koji Nishiyama &ndash\; Saburo</li><li>Sumie Kaneko &n dash\; Shamisen and Voice</li><li>Kento Watanabe &ndash\; Koto</li><li>Ada m Robinson &ndash\; Shakuhachi</li></ul>\n\nPerformed in Japanese with Eng lish subtitles.​\n\nTo purchase tickets\, please visit&nbsp\;<a href="ht tps://" target="_blank">Brown Paper Tickets</a>. B e sure to select&nbsp\;<strong><em>Jyo En</em>\, Program D</strong>.\n\n<e m>Jyo En</em>&nbsp\;is part of the MuSE Sounds of Arts Festival 2019\n<a h ref=" f-arts-festival-2019/"> t-of-muse-sounds-of-arts-festival-2019/</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T131135Z SUMMARY:Jyo en: An Original Operetta URL:/en/events/2019/11/24/jyo-en-an-original-operetta/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR