BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200131T000000Z DTEND:20200215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>LITTLE TOKYO HISTORICAL SOCIETY \nSEEKS ENTRIES FOR 202 0 SHORT STORY CONTEST</strong>\n\nThe Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTH S) seeks fictional short stories for its seventh annual Imagine Little Tok yo short story contest in the categories of English language\, Japanese la nguage and youth (18 and younger). The deadline is February 15\, 2020\, 12 midnight Pacific Standard Time. The contest is presented by LTHS in partn ership with the Japanese American National Museum's Discover Nikkei projec t.\n\nThe purpose of the contest is to raise awareness of Little Tokyo thr ough a creative story that takes place in Little Tokyo. The story has to b e fictional and set in a current\, past or future Little Tokyo in the City of Los Angeles\, California. The short story committee will be specifical ly looking for stories that capture the spirit and sense of Little Tokyo. Each category winner will be awarded $500 in cash with their short story b eing published in The Rafu Shimpo and Discover Nikkei website. A public aw ard ceremony and dramatic readings of the winning stories are also being p lanned for spring 2020 at the Japanese American National Museum.\n\n"Final ists have gone on to adapt their short story entries into a play and child ren's book\," said Miya Iwataki\, committee co-chair with Naomi Hirahara. "We are thrilled that our contest has led to creative endeavors celebratin g the Japanese American experience."\n\nFor more information and guideline s\, refer to the Cultural News website\, <a href="http://www.culturalnews. com/ImagineLittleTokyo" target="_blank"> eLittleTokyo</a>. If you would like to financially contribute to the conte st\, e-mail <a href="">imaginelittletok</a>.\n\n<p style="text-align: center\;">* * * * *\n\n<span st yle="font-weight: bold\;">Imagine Little Tokyo Contest Deadline Extended t o February 15\n\nThe Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest has been ext ended two weeks to February 15\, 2020\, 12 midnight PST.\n\nThe committee decided to make this extension because of earlier website problems that wa s out of the organization&rsquo\;s control.\n\nThe contest is presented by Little Tokyo Historical Society in partnership with the Japanese American National Museum&rsquo\;s Discover Nikkei project.<strong></strong><em></e m>\n DTSTAMP:20240610T022842Z SUMMARY:7th Annual "Imagine Little Tokyo" Short Story Contest URL:/en/events/2020/01/31/7th-annual-imagine-little-tokyo-short-story-cont/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR