BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201007T000000Z DTEND:20201007T000000Z DESCRIPTION:PLEASE NOTE:&nbsp\;<strong>This workshop will be conducted&nbsp \;<span style="text-decoration: underline\;">online&nbsp\;via&nbsp\;<a hre f="" target="_blank">Zoom</a>.</strong>&nbsp\;To p articipate fully\, you will need access to a device with internet and micr ophone (such as a laptop\, smartphone\, or tablet). Registrants will recei ve the viewing link by email on the day of the event. Please note that all times listed are New York time (ET/UTC-04:00).\nLove sushi and looking to enjoy more fresh\, delicious vegetables? At this virtual workshop\,&nbsp\ ;<strong>Yuki Gomi</strong>\, author of&nbsp\;<em>Sushi at Home</em>\, int roduces sushi-making techniques using flavorful\, seasonal veggies. All pa rticipants will receive a recipe and suggested shopping list\, and may fol low along during the workshop or simply observe. Participants will learn h ow to make their own vegan sushi creations\, including:\n<ul><li>Cucumber &amp\; umeboshi hoso-maki</li><li>Avocado &amp\; carrot with black sesame seed inside-out California roll</li><li>Roasted red pepper temari sushi</l i></ul>\n\n<strong>Tickets</strong>:&nbsp\;$25/$22 Japan Society members\, seniors &amp\; students\n<a href=" vent/tasty-creations-vegan-sushi"> ent/tasty-creations-vegan-sushi</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T122223Z SUMMARY:Tasty Creations: Vegan Sushi URL:/en/events/2020/10/07/tasty-creations-vegan-sushi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR