BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210222T000000Z DTEND:20210314T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese Nikkei Federation of Venezuela with the support of the Japanese embassy in our country\, we will hold the III Nikkei Identit y Online Meeting to BE TOGETHER and celebrate our diaspora by creating a c inema space where we will have the opportunity to see the movie &quot\;NIK KEI\, a trip Extraordinary &rdquo\;by the Venezuelan director Kaori Flores Yonekura\, a work that has been exhibited in more than 30 festivals aroun d the world\, carrying a message of IDENTITY and INTEGRATION as a communit y in Venezuela and Latin America\, we will have the film available in 4 la nguages: Spanish\, English\, Japanese and Portuguese.\n \n We will also ha ve the presentation of the Invitation Program for Latin American Nikkei to strengthen the diffusion of Japan abroad\, promoted by MOFA.\n \n \n Acti vities are open to Nikkei and non-Nikkei related to our diaspora. They can register at DTSTAMP:20240602T191241Z SUMMARY:III Nikkei Identity Meeting URL:/en/events/2021/02/22/iii-nikkei-identity-meeting/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR