BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240224T000000Z DTEND:20240224T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Monthly gatherings to connect and foster community through food and culture!\n\n<strong>\nNEW MONTHLY SCHEDULE:</strong>\n<strong>\nLAST SATURDAYS • 4 - 6 p.m.</strong>\n<strong>In-Person Potluck</strong> – Every Month\n<strong>Potluck + Online via Zoom</strong> – Every Other Month\n<strong>RSVP:</strong>\n\n<strong>新し いスケジュール:\n</strong><strong>\n月の最後の土曜日 • 午後4時〜午後6時</strong>\n<strong>毎月は持ち寄り、隔 月はハイブリット (対面やオンライン)</strong>\n<strong>予 約:</strong>\n\n<strong>Free admission with 1 p otluck dinner dish\n</strong>(homemade or store-bought – no pressure!)\n \n<strong>\nTHEME:  SANSHIN NU FII (SANSHIN DAY)</strong>\n\nIn celebrati on of <em>Sanshin nu Fii</em> or <em>Sanshin no Hi</em> (Sanshin Day) in Okinawa\, we will be hosting special <strong>hands-on workshops geared toward first-timers\, beginners\, and intermediate players!</strong> The goal is to provide a <strong>comfortable and welcoming space to learn an d play\, </strong>especially for folks who have never picked up a sanshin before.\n\nSanshin is a traditional stringed instrument that is indigenou s to the Ryūkyū Islands\, recognizable for its snakeskin covering.  Eve ry year on March 4th\, Okinawa celebrates <em>Sanshin nu Fii</em> with s pecial events and performances throughout the islands.  The date was chos en because of the Japanese pronunciations of “3” and “4” – <em> “san”</em> and <em>“shi”</em> – resembling “sanshin” (sim ilar commemorative days include “Shiisaa Day” on March 3rd and “Gooy aa Day” on May 8th).\n\n<strong>A limited number of sanshin will be avai lable to use at the event\, but those who have access to an instrument are encouraged to bring it.</strong>\n<strong>\n<strong><strong><strong>\nSAV E THE DATES:</strong></strong></strong></strong>\n<strong><strong><strong> </strong></strong></strong>\n<strong><strong><strong></strong></strong></ strong><strong><strong>March 30</strong></strong> – In-Person Potluck O nly\n<strong><strong>3月30日</strong></strong><strong> </strong><strong >–</strong> 持ち寄りだけ\n\n<strong><strong>April</strong></stron g> – Hybrid <em>(date to be announced due to Craft Fair on April 27)\n </em><strong><strong>4月</strong></strong><strong> </strong><strong>–< /strong> 対面やオンライン (27日のクラフトフェア開催の ため日程が変更になる)\n\n<strong>\nSign up for our email list:\n </strong>\n\n<strong>Follow us:</strong>\nfacebook .com/oaamensore\ DTSTAMP:20240608T205551Z SUMMARY:Monthly Okinawa Assoc. Gathering (Potluck and Online) URL:/en/events/2024/02/24/monthly-okinawa-assoc-gathering-potluck-and-onli/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR