BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070720T000000Z DTEND:20070805T000000Z DESCRIPTION:[inline:cropped_Buddhas for a New World.jpg]\n\n"I BOW TO YOU"\ n2007 Traveling Exhibition of Buddhist Sculptures by Thomas Matsuda\n\n<st rong>PALO ALTO BUDDHIST TEMPLE July 20-22\, 2007\n2751 Louis Road Palo A lto\, CA 94303</strong>\n July 20 Friday 10AM-5PM Exhibit\n 7-9PM Ope ning Reception \n July 21 Saturday 10AM-5PM Exhibit\n 11AM-12Noon Sl ide presentation of contemporary work\n 1-4:30PM 'Creating Jizos in Cl ay' workshop in self- hardening clay\n July 22 Sunday 10AM Service followed by a Buddhist sculpture carving demonstration\n\n<strong>DEN TOH GALLERY July 24-31\, 2007\n1737 Post St. #365 San Francisco 94115</str ong>\nHours: SUN-TH 10AM- 6PM\, F\,S 10AM- 7PM\nTBA: 'Creating Jizos in Clay' workshop in self-hardening clay:\nTBA: Demonstration of carving Buddhist sculpture:\n\n<strong>SAN FRANCISCO ZEN CENTER August 2-5\, 2007 \n300 Page St. San Francisco\, CA 94102</strong>\n August 2 Thursday Ho urs: 9:30AM-12:30PM\, 1:30PM-4PM\, Check in at the office\n 5:30-8PM Reception and Buddhist carving demonstration.\n August 3 Fr iday Hours: 9:30AM-12:30PM\, 1:30PM-4PM\,Check in at the office\n 7:45PM-9PM Slide presentation of contemporary work in the dining\n room. Open to the public\n August 4 S aturday Hours:9AM-12PM\, then by appointment\n 1-5pm 'Creating Jizos in Clay' sculpture workshop in self-hardening clay\n Au gust 5 Sunday by appointment\n\nParticipating temples and galleries ar e pleased to announce "I Bow to You"\, 2007 Traveling Exhibition of Buddhi st Sculptures by Thomas Matsuda. The exhibit will feature the recent Budd hist sculptures of Thomas Matsuda. Receiving his basic training in the art s at Pratt Institute\, where he now teaches\, his aesthetic sensitivity ha s been shaped by American artistic beliefs and attitudes. But he has lived in Japan for twelve years as an adult\, first studying under the renowned sculptor\, Koukei Eri of Kyoto\, who specializes in Buddha images\, later spending most of his time in remote mountain villages in the tradition of Enku and Mokujiki\, both well known sculptors who carved Buddha figures f or the populace. Also\, having worked closely with Native American spiritu ality\, he identifies with their respect for mother earth and all living b eings equally.  \n\nWhile this rich background comes together in various\ , positive ways\, Matsuda is also his own person and brings his own vision to his works. His Buddhas and bodhisattvas are neither Japanese nor Ameri can\; rather\, they are creations of an artist who brings something new an d universal to our fragmented world. They reflect what his teacher Eri sai d of old sculptures that contain “a mysterious strength that has the pow er to penetrate our spirits.” Among people who saw his works displayed a t the Hillyer Gallery at Smith College in October 1998\, one praised his s culptures\, saying that “There is stillness and transcendence conveyed t hrough these forms. They draw me into the flow of shapes\, form and meanin g.” Tom Matsuda is quickly becoming one of the foremost Buddhist sculpto rs in North America.\nFull Schedule: July 7th - August 12\, 2007\n Jul y 6-11 Los Angeles Zen Center\n July 13-17 West LA Bud dhist Temple\n July 20-22 Palo Alto Buddhist Temple\n J uly 24-31 Dentoh Gallery\n August 2-5 San Francisco Zen Center\n August 8-9 Dharma Rain\, Portland\, OR\n August 10-1 2 Great Vow Monastery\, Clatskanie\, OR\n\nFor more information conta ct:\nPalo Alto Buddhist Temple: (650) 856-0123\nDentoh Gallery: (415) 359- 9570\nSan Francisco Zen Center: (415) 863-3136\n DTSTAMP:20240601T083620Z SUMMARY:I Bow to You\, Exhibition of Buddhist Sculptures travels to Norther n California URL:/en/events/2007/07/20/i-bow-to-you-exhibition-of-buddhist-sculptures-tr a/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR