BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080608T000000Z DTEND:20080608T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Can one little produce market save the world? Slow Food Los Ang eles invites you to join us as we consider that question at a free screeni ng of <b><i>Eat at Bill's</i></b>\, a film by Lisa Brenneis.\n\n<i>Eat at Bill's</i> is a video documentary about the phenomenon that is the Montere y Market\, a small family-owned produce market in Berkeley\, California th at has served as crossroads and wellspring\, an oasis that sustains a smal l army of customers\, artisans and farmers. What are the characteristics t hat sustain this successful small enterprise?\n\nSome people (who were the re) insist that the birthplace of California's food revolution was in the market's stock room back in the 70s.\n\nOver the last 30 years <b>owner Bi ll Fujimoto</b> has been a tireless supporter\, mentor\, and Customer #1 f or the hundreds of small (and formerly small) farms the market supports. B ill's enthusiasm and experience fuel the enterprise and illuminate the Mar ket's wide world of small growers and diverse customers\, which include a small army of well known chefs and food thinkers such as Alice Waters\, Mi chael Pollan\, and Judy Rodgers.\n\nThis movie is a celebration of the Mon terey Market's colorful network of customers and suppliers\, and a valenti ne to small enterprises everywhere.\n\nDocumentary director and tangerine grower Lisa Brenneis\, <i>Eat at Bill's</i> star Bill Fujimoto\, and Slow Food Los Angeles leader Jordan Vannini will attend the screening and lead a post-screening discussion on the peril and promise of sustaining success ful small enterprises in the Land of the Big Box. \n\n<b>When</b>: Sunday\ , June 8\, 2008 at 4:30pm\n<b>Where</b>: <a href=" ">Beyond Baroque</a>\, 681 Venice Boulevard\, Venice 90291\n<b>Cost</b>: F ree admission (donations supporting Beyond Baroque gratefully accepted\; s uggested donation is $5). Admission will be on a first-come basis until we reach capacity. No reservations are required.\n\n<b>About Director/Produc er Lisa Brenneis</b>:\nLisa Brenneis grows organic citrus with her husband Jim Churchill in Ojai\, California\, and recently finished her first feat ure-length video documentary\, Eat at Bill's. She is also the author of Fi nal Cut Pro: Visual QuickPro Guide\, now in its seventh edition. \n\nChurc hill Orchard is a longtime supporter of the Slow Food community\, and firs t commercial growers of the Pixie tangerine (introduced to the world by Bi ll Fujimoto at Monterey Market!). The Pixie was inducted into the Slow Foo d Ark of Taste in 2003. Slow Food Los Angeles and Slow Food Ojai members t oured Churchill Orchard after the January 2007 citrus freeze. \n\nFor more information\, visit the film's website at:\n<a href="http://tangerineman. com/eab.htm"></a>\n\nYou can also watch a c lip at:\n<a href=" 686&amp\;pr=goog-sl"> 977686&pr\;=goog-sl</a>\n\nReviews:\n"A non-fictional look at the history and 'backstage' stories behind California's Monterey Market and its second -generation owner Bill Fujimoto\, this engaging film goes right to the hea rt of how individual buying decisions really have made a difference in loc al food communities."\n-- Bruce Cole\, Editor\, Edible San Francisco on ed\n\n\n"Wh at the film does is show how simple it could be to build a local\, sustain able food system. I wish every produce manager in the world could see it. … I think it comes across that Bill is "making" farmers. I mean he's sel ecting them\, encouraging them\, carrying them\, promoting them\, and play ing a pivotal role in helping them to achieve economic viability. But he's also "making" shoppers. It's clear that he introduces new foods and taste s\, and supports his customer base to be adventurous and alert to pleasure . He does it in part by sharing his own great adventurous spirit and pleas ure connected to food\, and by purchasing and presenting the best food he can find."\n-- Janet Brown\, Center for Ecoliteracy\nhttp://www.ecoliterac\n\n"Bill was doing specialty produce before it was chic or popular\ , and proves it doesn't need to be expensive or out-of-reach to anyone who wants it (save for the ride to North Berkeley and dodging all the Volvos. ) ...This is a loving\, insider's look at one of the most unique character s who with good cheer and the best of intentions\, built a strong communit y and strengthened the bonds between farmers\, chefs\, and customers"\n-- David Lebovitz "…living the sweet life in Paris" blog\nhttp://www.davidl DTSTAMP:20240607T142454Z SUMMARY:Film screening: "Eat at Bill's" highlights JA role in supporting sm all agriculture URL:/en/events/2008/06/08/film-screening-eat-at-bills-highlights-ja-role-in -/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR