BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20081023T000000Z DTEND:20081023T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Aratani Endowed Chair's Speaker Series\n"Soldiers of Conscience : Japanese American Military Resisters in World War II"\nThursday\, Octobe r 23\, 5-7 p.m.\nUCLA - Charles E. Young Research Library\n\nShirley Caste lnuovo\, professor emeritus of political science at Northeastern Illinois University and adjunct professor of social and behavioral science at Saddl eback College\, will talk about her recently published book revealing the largely unknown story of some two hundred Japanese Americans who were draf ted into the Army during World War II but refused to serve in combat while their families were kept in internment camps. Castelnuovo also follows th e resisters into the post-war years and assesses the consequences of their actions on their lives and within the broader context of the Japanese Ame rican community.\n\nThe talk will take place in the Research Library Prese ntation Room\, room 11348. Admission is free\, and seating is on a first- come basis\; parking is $8. The event is organized by the UCLA Library an d the Department of Asian American Studies. DTSTAMP:20240607T190611Z SUMMARY:"Soldiers of Conscience": Prof. Shirley Castelnuovo at UCLA\, Octob er 23\, 5-7pm URL:/en/events/2008/10/23/soldiers-of-conscience-prof-shirley-castelnuovo-a t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR