BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080207T000000Z DTEND:20080207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Through her new children's book\, "Mei Ling in China City"--a t rue story about a Chinese American girl in China City and a Japanese Ameri can girl in Manzanar--author Icy Smith (Sui Bing Tang) will present the hi story of LA's early Chinatown and China City.\n\nWhen: Saturday\, February 7\, 2 PM\n\nWhere: Japanese American National Museum-- 369 E. First St. L os Angeles\, CA. 90012\n\nPrograms are free for members and included with admission for visitors\, unless otherwise noted. Reservations are recommen ded. Space is limited. For updated information regarding the schedule of e vents\, admission prices\, or hours\, visit or call 213.625.0414. \n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T130508Z SUMMARY:Books & Conversations: "Mei Ling in China City" by Icy Smith\, Satu rday February 7 URL:/en/events/2008/02/07/books--conversations-mei-ling-in-china-city-by-ic y/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR