BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090829T000000Z DTEND:20091004T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Following his highly-successful 2008 show\, <em>Glorious Excess (Born)</em>\, Mike Shinoda returns to the National Museum to unveil his l atest collection of paintings and digital works. Larger\, broader\, and mo re sensational than before\, <em>Glorious Excess (Dies)</em> is the next c hapter in his series exploring society&rsquo\;s obsession with celebrity c ulture\, consumer addiction\, and fascination with excess.\n\nShinoda&rsqu o\;s new works continue to evolve\, blending his personal experiences in t he spotlight with social commentary and fine art technique while expanding his signature visual vocabulary\, juxtaposing symbols of death\, money an d sex against vibrant neo-pop imagery. In an age where superstardom domina tes the media\, <em>Glorious Excess (Dies)</em> immortalizes consumption\, fame and wealth\, challenging the viewer to question what is real.\n\n<a href="" target="_blank">More i nformation...</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T132055Z SUMMARY:Glorious Excess (Dies): Paintings by Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda URL:/en/events/2009/08/29/glorious-excess-dies-paintings-by-linkin-parks/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR