BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090129T000000Z DTEND:20100130T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Under the stewardship of the Riverside Metropolitan Museum\, th e National Historic Landmark Harada House is among the most significant a nd powerful civil rights landmarks in California. This site and the story of the Harada family embody local\, state\, national\, and international issues of civil and individual rights\, democracy\, immigration\, assimi lation\, and citizenship.\n\nReading the Walls: The Struggle of the Harada s\, a Japanese American Family tells the nearly 100 year history of one i mmigrant Japanese family and their quest for the American Dream. That dre am was partly fulfilled when their ownership of the home\, bought by fami ly patriarch Jukichi Harada in the names of his American-born children\, was contested in court in the landmark State of California vs. Jukichi Ha rada\, et al. The Riverside County Superior Court upheld the children&rsq uo\;s ownership under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitutio n\, essentially proclaiming that as natural-born citizens of America they had every right to own property.\n\nUntil 1941\, the Haradas prospered\, operating a series of restaurants and boarding houses in Riverside. Jukic hi Harada and his wife Ken watched proudly as their seven children grew a nd worked and went to school and began families of their own. The realiza tion of their dream was shattered in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and th e advent of World War II. With the signing of Executive Order 9066 by Pre sident Franklin Roosevelt\, 120\,000 Japanese Americans were dispossessed of property and stripped of their civil rights.\n\nTheir story is a Calif ornia story and a truly American story. It is a saga of hardship and stru ggle to achieve the American promise of freedom\, citizenship\, and a bet ter life.&nbsp\;\n\nSource: &nbsp\; it-10.asp DTSTAMP:20240608T214610Z SUMMARY:Reading the Walls: The Struggles of the Haradas\, a Japanese Ameri can Family URL:/en/events/2009/01/29/reading-the-walls-the-struggles-of-the-haradas/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR