BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100424T000000Z DTEND:20100424T000000Z DESCRIPTION:SAN JOSE TAIKO\n April 24\, 2010\n Location: Victoria Theatre\ n\n<a href="" target="_blank">Watch the Video</a>\n<a href=" /" target="_blank">Visit the Show Website </a>\n<strong>Showtime:</strong> \n Saturday -&nbsp\;8:00pm\n\n<strong>Individual Tickets:\n ON SALE NOW\n </strong> $43\, $33\, $26\n <a href=" der.asp?target=hall.asp?event=5248" target="_blank"><strong>BUY TICKETS</s trong> </a> \n \n For group discounts\, call Barrie at (937) 461-8295.\n\ n<strong>About the Show:\n </strong> San Jose Taiko has mesmerized audien ces and critics with the powerful\, spellbinding and propulsive sounds of the taiko drums for three decades. Inspired by traditional Japanese drum ming\, company performers express the beauty and harmony of the human spi rit through the voice of the taiko as they strive to create new dimension s in movement and music. DTSTAMP:20240602T182153Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko in Concert - Dayton\, OH URL:/en/events/2010/04/24/san-jose-taiko-in-concert-dayton-oh/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR