BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100611T000000Z DTEND:20100611T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Kenny Endo&rsquo\;s 35th Anniversary Celebration Concert!\n fea turing\n Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble\n Rhythm Summit (Endo\, Noel Okimoto\, Dean Taba)\n Special Guests:\n Keola &amp\; Moana Beamer\n San Jose Taiko\ n DeShannon Higa\n Taiko Center of the Pacific Youth Group performs PRE-Sh ow at 7 pm\n Hawaii Theatre (808) 528-0506\n BE THERE!\n\nPRE-Concert Re ception with the Artists\n 5:30-7 pm heavy pupus and drinks\n $40 donatio n to:\n\nOR\n\nSupport the Kenny Endo 35th Annive rsary Celebration!\n For a $100 donation to Taiko Arts Center\, a 501c3 no n-profit organization\, receive a premium concert seat ticket to the Mits udomoe concert on 6.11\; ticket to PRE-concert reception with the artists \; and a tax deduction to the full extent of the law.\n Donate $100 to ww DTSTAMP:20240602T172736Z SUMMARY:Kenny Endo’s 35th Anniversary Celebration Concert\, with San Jose Taiko and other Special Guests URL:/en/events/2010/06/11/kenny-endos-35th-anniversary-celebration-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR