BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120602T000000Z DTEND:20120603T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="border-collapse: collapse\; color: #222222\; font- family: arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 13px\;">The JACL National Youth/Stu dent Council presents:\n <span style="border-collapse: collapse\; color: # 222222\; font-family: arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 13px\;">\n<strong>JAC L Youth Leadership Summit\n June 2 &amp\; 3\, 2012\n Portland\, OR</strong >\n<span style="border-collapse: collapse\; color: #222222\; font-family: arial\,sans-serif\; font-size: 13px\;"><strong>\n</strong> \n\nThe Natio nal Youth/Student Council of Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) in vites high school and college students in the Portland community to join them for a <strong>Youth Leadership Summit</strong> on <strong>June 2nd an d 3rd</strong> . The purpose of the Youth Leadership Summit program is to build a network of youth leaders who understand local\, regional\, and n ational Asian Pacific American (APA) issues and have the skills necessary to become effective advocates in their community.\n\n<p style="padding-l eft: 30px\;">&nbsp\;\n\nThe Portland summit will focus on connecting youth in the Portland area to each other and to JACL on a national level. Work shops will allow participants to explore the topics of personal identity\ , multiculturalism\, civic engagement and social justice. Christine Munt eanu\, the Ford Program Coordinator of JACL\, will lead a series of inter active exercises that examine the nature of privilege and oppression as t he foundation for community activism\, as well as the legacy of the Japan ese American community as a way to connect with the larger APA community. \n\n<p style="padding-left: 30px\;">&nbsp\;\n\nThe summit is <strong>free< /strong> to all participants\, thanks to the support of State Farm\, Sout hwest Airlines\, and Portland State University Center for Japanese Studie s. If you or anyone you know would be interested in attending\, please co ntact <strong>Mariko Newton</strong> \, Portland summit chair\, at <strong ></strong> to RSVP.&nbsp\;\n\n<p style="padding-left: 3 0px\;">&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>DATE</strong> : Saturday\, June 2nd\, 9am - 5pm &amp\; Sunday\, June 3rd\, 10am - 1pm\n\n<strong>LOCATION</strong> : Portl and State University\, Smith Memorial Student Union building (Room 296/8)\ , 1825 SW Broadway\, Portland\, OR 97201\n\n<strong>RSVP</strong> : Mariko Newton at&nbsp\;<span style="color: #1155cc\;">\n \n \ n DTSTAMP:20240609T004449Z SUMMARY:JACL Youth Leadership Summit URL:/en/events/2012/06/02/jacl-youth-leadership-summit/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR