BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121006T000000Z DTEND:20121006T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The book\, Chinatown\, San Jose\, USA  By Connie Young Yu will be discussed.\n\nChinatown\, San Jose\, USA focuses on the Chinese settle ment of Heinlenville (located within the boundaries of today's San Jose Ja pantown). The author draws on family records\, correspondence\, oral inter views with former residents\, and newspaper accounts from 1887 to 1931. Th e book describes the formation and demise of Heinlenville within the conte xt of Chinese immigration and anti-Chinese legislation that set the stage for discrimination against the Chinese in San Jose and in other cities in California.\n \n Yu\, a third-generation Californian\, researches and writ es extensively on the role and experiences of Chinese-Americans. Much of h er work focuses on individuals who both shaped and were shaped by Heinlenv ille. A few of the colorful characters that have been captured in her stor ies include the town's founder\, John Heinlen\, a San Jose businessman and friend of the Chinese community\, and Sing Kee\, a Heinlenville resident and World War I hero. \n \n Books may be purchased at the JAMsj museum sto re. If you have questions\, please contact Aggie Idemoto at or aggie@jamsj .org.   DTSTAMP:20240610T224459Z SUMMARY:JAMsj Book Talk: Chinatown\, San Jose\, USA URL:/en/events/2012/10/06/jamsj-book-talk-chinatown-san-jose-usa/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR