BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130309T000000Z DTEND:20130309T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em><a href=" ograms">Coming Home</a></em> speaker series:\n\n<strong>From Fact to Ficti on: Rare Accounts of the Japanese American WWII Experience\n</strong><em>L ecture by Kristina McMorris\, followed by a question and answer session an d book signing</em>\n\nSaturday\, March 9\, 2013\, 2:00 p.m.\n<em>Free\, o pen to the public</em>\n\nJoin&nbsp\;<em>New York Times</em>&nbsp\;bestsel ling author Kristina McMorris for a unique presentation on various aspects of the Nisei WWII experience. Her discussion will feature revelations mad e from her in-depth research and shocking historical accounts that inspire d her critically acclaimed novel&nbsp\;<em>Bridge of Scarlet Leaves</em>. Other topics will include cultural and historical education through storyt elling\, weaving true and personal accounts into fiction\, and the wartime courtship letters that first inspired her literary career. A book signing will follow the presentation. Named one of Portland's "40 under 40" by&nb sp\;<em>The Business Journal</em>\, McMorris is a recipient of more than t wenty national literary awards. This program will be held at Beaverton Cit y Library\, Meeting Room A.\n\n<em><strong>Coming Home: Voices of Return a nd Resettlement\, 1945-1965</strong></em>&nbsp\;is an exhibit that traces the reestablishment of the Japanese American community in Oregon after Wor ld War II and examines the injustices of war-time relocation. The&nbsp\;<e m>Coming Home</em>&nbsp\;exhibition has been woven from personal stories o f return and resettlement by Nikkei &mdash\; men\, women\, and children of Japanese descent &mdash\; forced from their Oregon farms and homes and in carcerated as "enemies" during World War II. Most were American citizens. Many had lost everything. Determination and memories of place\, family and community guided them home. Visit&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.oregonnikkei. org/exhibits.htm#exhibit"></a>&nbsp\;to learn more abo ut&nbsp\;<em>Coming Home</em>.\n\nThis exhibition and programming are made possible in part by the Oregon Heritage Commission and Oregon Parks and R ecreation Department\; Oregon Humanities (OH)\, a statewide nonprofit orga nization and an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Hu manities\, which funds OH's grant program\; Portland State University\, Ce nter for Japanese Studies\; University of Oregon\; Samuel Naito\; and&nbsp \;<em>Friends of Oregon Nikkei Endowment</em>.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Cen ter\n121 NW 2nd Avenue\nPortland\, OR &nbsp\;97209\n503-224-1458\n<a href= ""></a> DTSTAMP:20240601T171152Z SUMMARY:Coming Home: Lecture by Kristina McMorris URL:/en/events/2013/03/09/coming-home-lecture-by-kristina-mcmorris/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR