BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130921T000000Z DTEND:20130921T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Grateful Crane Ensemble\, a Los Angeles-based theater group dedicated to honoring Japanese American elders by telling their stories a nd singing their songs\, will be presenting the best songs they have sung over the past 12 years in &ldquo\;The Best of Grateful Crane&rdquo\; on Sa turday\, September 21 at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Buddhist Church of Sacr amento Kaikan\, 2401 Riverside Blvd. in Sacramento.\n\nThis show marks the Ensemble&rsquo\;s return to Sacramento after delighting local audiences w ith its &ldquo\;Camp Dance\,&rdquo\; and &ldquo\;Nihonmachi: The Place to Be&rdquo\; shows in 2005 and 2008 respectively. Nostalgic and popular Japa nese and American songs from both of these shows will be presented in &ldq uo\;The Best of Grateful Crane&rdquo\; along with numerous other songs the Ensemble has performed in various shows since its inception in 2001.\n\nS ung in honor of the first (Issei) and second (Nisei) generation Japanese A merican pioneers\, some of songs featured in the show include wartime favo rites such as &quot\;Moonlight Serenade\,&quot\; &quot\;Dream\,&quot\; and &quot\;Stardust\,&quot\; and Japanese classics such as &quot\;Koko ni Sac hi Ari\,&quot\; &quot\;Sukiyaki\,&quot\; 'Yawara\,&quot\; and &quot\;Kawa no Nagare no Youni.&quot\;\n\nIn addition\, bento will be available after the 11 a.m. show. Meet\, greet\, and eat with the cast and crew. Please us e the form below to order tickets and/or bento. You might consider a &ldqu o\;Take&rdquo\; (Bamboo) Level Sponsorship for $100. All sponsors receive 2 tickets to one of the shows and notice in the show program booklet. Show /bento tickets purchased using the order form below will be held at the Wi ll Call table and available before the shows.\n\nFor tickets or more info\ , see flyer or order form above: DTSTAMP:20240609T090239Z SUMMARY:The Best of Grateful Crane comes to Sacramento URL:/en/events/2013/09/21/the-best-of-grateful-crane-comes-to-sacramento/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR