BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131020T000000Z DTEND:20131020T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On October 20\, JAMsj Youth will be hosting an event entitled " <em>Bully: Awareness\, Perspective\, and Prevention.</em>" The purpose of this event is to spread awareness about bullying in the context of WWII Ja panese experiences. The event will begin with a screening of the movie&nbs p\;<em>Bully</em><span style="font-size: 12px\;">\, a PG-13 documentary de tailing the lives of five American high school students struggling with bu llying.\n<!--[if gte mso 9]&gt\;&lt\;xml&gt\; &lt\;o:OfficeDocumentSetting s&gt\; &lt\;o:AllowPNG /&gt\; &lt\;/o:OfficeDocumentSettings&gt\; &lt\;/x ml&gt\;&lt\;![endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 9]&gt\;&lt\;xml&gt\; &lt\;w:WordDo cument&gt\; &lt\;w:View&gt\;Normal&lt\;/w:View&gt\; &lt\;w:Zoom&gt\;0&lt\; /w:Zoom&gt\; &lt\;w:TrackMoves /&gt\; &lt\;w:TrackFormatting /&gt\; &lt\ ;w:PunctuationKerning /&gt\; &lt\;w:ValidateAgainstSchemas /&gt\; &lt\;w :SaveIfXMLInvalid&gt\;false&lt\;/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid&gt\; &lt\;w:IgnoreMixe dContent&gt\;false&lt\;/w:IgnoreMixedContent&gt\; &lt\;w:AlwaysShowPlaceho lderText&gt\;false&lt\;/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText&gt\; &lt\;w:DoNotPromo teQF /&gt\; &lt\;w:LidThemeOther&gt\;EN-US&lt\;/w:LidThemeOther&gt\; &lt\ ;w:LidThemeAsian&gt\;JA&lt\;/w:LidThemeAsian&gt\; &lt\;w:LidThemeComplexSc ript&gt\;X-NONE&lt\;/w:LidThemeComplexScript&gt\; 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&lt\;w :LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhe nUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Lo cked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Na me="Light Shading Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Pri ority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List A ccent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidd en="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 6" /&gt\; &l t\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" Unhid eWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdExcep tion Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="fa lse" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked=" false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Me dium List 1 Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority= "66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Acce nt 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden= "false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6" /&gt\; &l t\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" Unhid eWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdExceptio n Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false " Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark Lis t Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiH idden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:Ls dException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUs ed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locke d="false" Priority="19" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QForm at="true" Name="Subtle Emphasis" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false " Priority="21" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true " Name="Intense Emphasis" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Prior ity="31" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name= "Subtle Reference" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="32 " SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intens e Reference" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="33" Semi Hidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="37" Name="Bibliograph y" /&gt\; &lt\;w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading" /&gt\; &lt\;/w:LatentStyles&gt\; &lt\;/xml&gt\;&lt\;! [endif]--> <!--[if gte mso 10]&gt\;\n&lt\;style&gt\;\n /* Style Definition s */\ntable.MsoNormalTable\n {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"\;\n mso-tstyle -rowband-size:0\;\n mso-tstyle-colband-size:0\;\n mso-style-noshow:yes\;\n mso-style-priority:99\;\n mso-style-parent:""\;\n mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4 pt 0in 5.4pt\;\n mso-para-margin:0in\;\n mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt\;\ n mso-pagination:widow-orphan\;\n font-size:12.0pt\;\n font-family:Cambria \;\n mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria\;\n mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin\;\ n mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria\;\n mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin\;}\n& lt\;/style&gt\;\n&lt\;![endif]--> <!--StartFragment-->\nThe documentary fi lm Bully\, directed by Sundance and Emmy-award winning filmmaker\, Lee Hir sch\, brings human scale to this startling statistic\, offering an intimat e\, unflinching look at how bullying has touched five kids and their famil ies. Photo courtesy of the National Japanese American Historical Society.\ n<!--EndFragment-->&nbsp\;\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;">After the film \, there will be a panel discussion&nbsp\;followed by an answer and questi on<span style="font-size: 12px\;">&nbsp\;<span style="font-size: 12px\;">s ession with education and mental health professionals.\n<span style="font- size: 12px\;">The panel will consist of:\n\nDean Adachi\, lecturer of US H istory and Asian American Studies at Laney College in Oakland\n<span style ="font-size: 12px\;">Ann Brownell\, Mother and Founder of the Amanda Netwo rk\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;">Carla Holtzclaw\, Chair of Santa Clara County Mental Health Board\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;">Miharu Yamamo to\, ASW\, PPSC\, Clinic and School-based Mental Health<span style="font-s ize: 12px\;">&nbsp\; <span style="font-size: 12px\;">Services\n<span style ="font-size: 12px\;">Angela Yung\, Youth President Japanese American Museu m of San Jose\n<span style="font-size: 12px\;"><span style="font-size: 12p x\;"><span style="font-size: 12px\;"><span style="font-size: 12px\;"><span style="font-size: 12px\;"><span style="font-size: 12px\;">\n<span style=" font-size: 12px\;"><span style="font-size: 12px\;">Discrimination against Japanese Americans during WWII parallels bullying in American schools.&nbs p\;<span style="font-size: 12px\;">Bullying in its many forms-online\, ver bal\, physical-impacts everyone in a community in different ways: observer s\, victims\, and aggressors. Bullying is often a form of discrimination a gainst people of different backgrounds\, appearances\, and cultures. Overc oming these differences and accepting others are key to building a strong community\, both in schools and in society. &nbsp\;\n\nMuch in the same wa y\, discrimination shaped&nbsp\;the Japanese American experience during an d after WWII. Historically\, Japanese Americans have suffered from discrim ination due to their distinct appearances and culture. Many unfair laws pr evented Japanese Americans from owning their own land and inhibited immigr ation\, but they often managed to succeed despite these societal constrain ts.&nbsp\;\n\nIn the confusion of WWII\, many Japanese Americans were sent to internment centers against their will\, regardless of their patriotism or adoption of American cultures. This stereotypical prejudice against Ja panese Americans\, based solely on their nationality and culture\, reflect s the prejudice and discrimination associated with bullying in American sc hools today. &nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;<span style="font-size: 12px\;">&nbsp\; &nb sp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; Even for a while after the war\, Japa nese Americans had a hard time overcoming stereotypes and difficulties cre ated during their internment. However\, through hard work\, strong charact er\, and the help of others\, they gained greater acceptance both in socie ty and in the workplace. As with overcoming bullying\, overcoming discrimi nation against Japanese Americans was a slow\, yet rewarding process.\n\nB ecause celebrating diverse cultures is keyto fighting bullying\, JAMsj You th is proud to present this movie screening to spread awareness on bullyin g and foster reflection on the Japanese American experience. Examining thi s experience will create a better understanding of bullying in American sc hools\, advise how to tackle this problem\, and show how to create stronge r communities. In fact\, we hope that the JAMsj Youth event will provide m ore insight into how to stop bullying and discrimination at all levels.\n\ n<em>JAMsj Youth is led by students of any background who are dedicated to spreading Japanese American culture and history in innovative ways. We wo uld like to remind the public that there are many cultures that make up Am erica and that each and every culture\, as well as each individual\, is un ique.&nbsp\;We fight to preserve cultures\, focusing on the Japanese Ameri can culture of the South Bay.&nbsp\;</em>\n\nRSVP required.&nbsp\;Cost: Fr ee with admission to the museum (non-members\, $5\; students and seniors o ver age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free)\n\n<span sty le="font-size: 12px\;">Contact&nbsp\;<a style="font-size: 12px\;" href="ma"></a><span style="font-size: 1 2px\;">&nbsp\;or calling (408) 510-8609 to reserve your spot.\n\nMore Info on JAMsj visit: <a href=""></a><span sty le="font-size: 12px\;">&nbsp\; &nbsp\;\nMore info. on <em>Bully</em> film visit: <a style="font-size: 12px\;" href=" bout_film"></a>\n DTSTAMP:20240602T102113Z SUMMARY:Film: Bully: Awareness\, Perspective\, and Prevention URL:/en/events/2013/10/20/film-bully-awareness-perspective-and-preventio/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR