BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130801T000000Z DTEND:20131101T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Hey All! \nThe JCCCNC is having a Photo/Story Contest and <st rong>you</strong> have a chance to win <strong>$1000</strong>\, <strong>$7 50</strong> or <strong>$500</strong> and your photo to be in an exhibit!\n This contest surrounds the question\, "What is Japanese American Heritage to you?" As our community becomes more diverse\, everyone experiences Japa nese culture in different ways and has their own story\, which is why we w ould like to bring together everyone's perspectives through photography to highlight the diversity of our community. \nIt's open to <strong>anybody </strong> with a connection to Japanese culture!\nJust send us one picture and a paragraph telling us about what it means to you/the story behind it ! We look forward to your submissions and bringing together everyone's uni que perspectives.\n\nCheck out the Facebook Page!\n\nhttps://www.facebook. com/events/414547548666887/ DTSTAMP:20240608T221539Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Culture and Heritage Story/Photo Contest URL:/en/events/2013/08/01/japanese-american-culture-and-heritage-storyphoto / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR