BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131116T000000Z DTEND:20140131T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&ldquo\;LITTLE TOKYO:&nbsp\; Celebrating Then and Now&rdquo\;\, Little Tokyo Historical Society&rsquo\;s (LTHS) 2014 calendar represents the fourth consecutive year that the all-volunteer organization has create d a unique memento that features vintage photographs of yesteryear Little Tokyo.&nbsp\; The theme\, the 130<sup>th</sup> anniversary of Little Tokyo in 2014\, is expressed by photos showing Japanese American traditions\, h eritage and community beginning many decades ago and continuing to this da y.&nbsp\; New to this edition are dates of importance to the Japanese Amer ican community (including Fred T. Korematsu Day on January 30 and Passage of Civil Liberties Act of 1988 on April 10) and Little Tokyo (L.A. Tanabat a Festival and Nisei Week Festival).\n\nThe calendar is LTHS&rsquo\; annua l fundraiser that supports the mission of researching and discovering the historical resources\, stories and connections of sites\, buildings and ev ents related to Little Tokyo as an ethnic heritage neighborhood.&nbsp\; A great gift for the holidays\, calendars may be purchased in Little Tokyo a t Little Tokyo Service Center front desk\, Japanese American National Muse um store\, Bunkado\, Little Tokyo Visitor Center/Koban\, Rafu Bussan\, and Kinokuniya bookstore.&nbsp\; Online orders can be made at <a href="http:/ /"></a>.\n\nFor information abou t LTHS please contact Michael Okamura\, president\, at littletokyohs@gmail .com. DTSTAMP:20240602T100135Z SUMMARY:2014 Little Tokyo Calendar on Sale! URL:/en/events/2013/11/16/2014-little-tokyo-calendar-on-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR