BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141108T000000Z DTEND:20141108T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Boyle Heights Historical Society and Little Tokyo Historical So ciety will be co-presenting\, Boyle Heights History Day\, on&nbsp\;Saturda y\, November 8 at 10:00 a.m.&nbsp\;to&nbsp\;4:00 p.m.&nbsp\;at the histori c Breed Street Shul at 247 N. Breed Street\, Los Angeles\, CA 90033.&nbsp\ ; The program includes music by Boyle Heights&rsquo\; The Neighborhood Mus ic School\, Rub&eacute\;n Guevara reading his &ldquo\;Yuriko &amp\; Carlos &rdquo\; short story\, screening of &ldquo\;Stand Up For Justice:&nbsp\; T he Ralph Lazo Story&rdquo\; by John Esaki\, writer and director\, vintage photo displays and light refreshments.&nbsp\; The day will spotlight the c lose connections and friendships between the long ago Japanese American re sidents of Boyle Heights and the larger Boyle Heights neighborhood.&nbsp\; \n\nBHHS will feature an interview on and family members will fondly remem ber Molly Wilson Murphy\, an African American lady who held many friendshi ps with Japanese Americans before WWII and during the concentration camp y ears with her many letters she wrote to the internees.&nbsp\; Sadly\, Mrs. Murphy passed away one month ago due to natural causes.&nbsp\; Her letter s are now housed at the Japanese American National Museum.\n\nLTHS will ha ve a panel discussion on the former Japanese Hospital\, the nondescript bu ilding that was at 101 S. Fickett Street and First Street\, that has a ric h\,&nbsp\;but unknown history to the neighborhood.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;The story of the Japanese Hospital is important to Boyle Heights\, Los Angeles\, Cal ifornia and U.S. history.&nbsp\; LTHS is now working on&nbsp\;the City of Los Angeles&rsquo\; Historic-Cultural Monument application on the Japanese Hospital.&nbsp\; On the panel will be Carole Fujita\, Troy Kaji\, MD and Kristen Hayashi.&nbsp\; Dr. Kaji is the grandson of the seminal figure\, D r. Kikuwo Tashiro\,&nbsp\;a Little Tokyo doctor who was the lead physician &nbsp\;in a successful U.S. Supreme Court case in 1928 that allowed the ho spital&nbsp\;to be built in 1929. DTSTAMP:20240602T131924Z SUMMARY:Boyle Heights History Day URL:/en/events/2014/11/08/boyle-heights-history-day/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR