BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150206T000000Z DTEND:20150503T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=" s/on-view/on-kawara-silence">Guggenheim website</a> :\n\nThrough radically restricted means\, On Kawara&rsquo\;s work engages the personal and hist orical consciousness of place and time. Kawara&rsquo\;s practice is often associated with the rise of Conceptual art\, yet in its complex wit and philosophical reach\, it stands well apart.\n\nOrganized with the cooperat ion of the artist\, <em>On Kawara&mdash\;Silence</em> will be the first fu ll representation of Kawara&rsquo\;s output\, beginning in 1964 and inclu ding every category of work\, much of it produced during his travels acro ss the globe: date paintings (the <em>Today</em> series)\; postcards (the <em>I Got Up</em> series)\; telegrams (the <em>I Am Still Alive</em> serie s)\; maps (the <em>I Went</em> series)\; lists of names (the <em>I Met</em > series)\; newspaper cuttings (the <em>I Read</em> series)\; the inventor y of paintings (<em>Journals</em> )\; and calendars (<em>One Hundred Years </em> and <em>One Million Years</em> ). The exhibition will also present numerous drawings produced in Paris in 1964\, which are fascinating propo sals for unrealized works\; and Kawara&rsquo\;s only two extant paintings of 1965\, <em>Location</em> and <em>Title</em> \, which herald the <em>To day</em> series. In conjunction with the exhibition\, the Guggenheim will organize a continuous live reading of the artist&rsquo\;s <em>One Million Years</em> \, the steady recitation of numbers from a vast ledger\, which will be performed on the ground floor of the Guggenheim rotunda.\n\nOn Kaw ara&rsquo\;s paintings were first shown at the Guggenheim Museum in the 1 971 Guggenheim International Exhibition. Over 40 years later this large e xhibition will transform the Frank Lloyd Wright rotunda&mdash\;itself a f orm that signifies movement through time and space&mdash\;into a site with in which audiences can reflect on an artistic practice of cumulative powe r and depth.\n\nExplore On Kawara&rsquo\;s art and process through new im ages every day at the <em>On Kawara&mdash\;Silence</em> <a title="On Kawar a&mdash\;Silence exhibition website: Something" href="http://www.guggenhei" title="On Kawara&mdash\;Silence exhibition website : Something">exhibition site</a> .\n\n<strong>One Million Years Live Readi ng</strong>\n<span style="font-size: 8pt\;">Sun\, Wed\,&nbsp\;Fri\, 11 am& ndash\;5 pm\, through&nbsp\;May 3\n A continuous live reading of the artis t&rsquo\;s&nbsp\;<em>One Million Years</em> &nbsp\;will be presented in co njunction with the exhibition. This monumental series consists of two grou ps of volumes\,&nbsp\;<em>One Million Years Past</em> &nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<em >One Million Years Future</em> \, with pages listing one million years in to the past and one million years into the future. Readings will take pla ce on the ground floor of the Guggenheim rotunda.\n<strong>Admission</str ong>\n\nAdults $25\n Students and Seniors (65 years +) with valid ID $18\n Children under 12 Free\n Members Free\n\nPurchase tickets <a href="http:/ /\;vid=873">he re</a> or<a href=" "> Plan Your Visit</a> on the Guggenheim website. DTSTAMP:20240606T043609Z SUMMARY:On Kawara—Silence URL:/en/events/2015/02/06/on-kawarasilence/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR