BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151205T000000Z DTEND:20151205T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="font-size: 16.0pt\;font-family: Arial \, sans-seri f\;color: #5e0069\;"><span style="font-size: 16.0pt\;line-height: 115.0%\; font-family: Arial \, sans-serif\;color: #5e0069\;"><span style="font-fami ly: Arial \, sans-serif\;"><span style="line-height: 115.0%\;"><span style ="font-size: 12.0pt\;line-height: 115.0%\;font-family: Arial \, sans-serif \;"> \n<span style="font-size: 16.0px\;font-family: Arial\;color: #000 000\;background-color: transparent\;font-weight: 400\;font-style: normal\; font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: none\;vertical-align: baseline\;">T he next meeting of the Japanese American Museum of San Jose's (JAMsj) Book Club will be to discuss Jay Rubin's book\, <span style="font-size: 16.0p x\;font-family: Arial\;color: #000000\;background-color: transparent\;font -weight: 400\;font-style: italic\;font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: n one\;vertical-align: baseline\;">The Sun Gods. <span style="font-size: 16 .0px\;font-family: Arial\;color: #000000\;background-color: transparent\;f ont-weight: 400\;font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: none\;vertical-ali gn: baseline\;">This book <span style="font-size: 16.0px\;font-family: Ar ial\;color: #000000\;background-color: transparent\;font-weight: 400\;font -style: normal\;font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: none\;vertical-alig n: baseline\;">tells the story of Bill\, a young American boy who was for ced into a life of internment with his Japanese-born surrogate mother. Tw o decades after his experience at the Minidoka Internment Camp\, memories of his long-lost mother continue to haunt Bill\, sparking an arduous jou rney that leads him to find his Japanese mother and learn the truth about their shared past.\n<span style="font-size: 16.0px\;font-family: Arial\; color: #000000\;background-color: transparent\;font-weight: 400\;font-styl e: normal\;font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: none\;vertical-align: ba seline\;">The Book Club meets at 1:00 p.m. the first Saturday of every ot her month at JAMsj. Meetings are open to the general public\, and books a re available for purchase at the museum store. Questions? Contact Aggie I demoto at (408) 294-3138 or <a style="color: #0000ff\;text-decoration: no ne\;" href="\;jsessionid=20 41D365996873D0E463D9FC5608AA83-n1.lxa10a?" target="_pa rent"></a> .\n<span style="font-size: 16.0px\;font-family: Arial\;color: #000000\;background-color: transparent\;font-weight: 400\;fo nt-style: normal\;font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: none\;vertical-al ign: baseline\;">\n \n Cost: Free with admission to the museum (nonmember s\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and childr en under 12\, free).\n<span style="font-size: 16.0px\;font-family: Arial\; color: #000000\;background-color: transparent\;font-weight: 400\;font-styl e: normal\;font-variant: normal\;text-decoration: none\;vertical-align: ba seline\;">No RSVP required. DTSTAMP:20240602T105400Z SUMMARY:Book Club: The Sun Gods URL:/en/events/2015/12/05/book-club-the-sun-gods/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR