BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160227T000000Z DTEND:20160227T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong></strong><strong><em>Transnational Lives in Motion: The Art of Laura Kina and Viet Le\n</em></strong>Sat. Feb. 27 &ndash\; Sat. A pr. 23\, 2016\n<strong>Opening Reception:</strong>\nSaturday\, February 27 \, 4-7pm\n<strong>Artists Talks:</strong>\nSaturday\, February 27\, 4:45pm \n\nThe Weglyn Endowed Chair for Multicultural Studies and the Kellogg Uni versity Art Gallery are proud to sponsor the exhibitions of&nbsp\;<strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Laura Kina</a></strong>&nbs p\;and&nbsp\;<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Viet Le</ a></strong>.\n\nTheir artworks highlight the nuanced nature of&nbsp\;<em>T ransnational Lives in Motion</em>&nbsp\;among Asian American and Pacific I slander communities.\n\nDespite Asian Americans' contributions to the U.S. for over three centuries\, the perceptions of these communities are releg ated to thinking of them as 'perpetual foreigners' or consigned to model m inority stereotypes.&nbsp\; The shifting global standing of Asian countrie s has changed the discourse to take into account that Asian Americans are neither here nor there\, but everywhere\, as they actively partake in tran snational lives.&nbsp\; Policies\, wars\, employment\, and family reunific ations have led to the movement of Asian lives across the globe\, transcen ding nations\, and blurring global boundaries as their lives are in motion .\n\nAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders today are able to stay connecte d to their homeland\, and others are reconstructing their multiple identit ies in a nation that tries to contain them.&nbsp\; To complicate the Asian American experience is to understand that these communities are complex a nd diverse\, which adds to the continued challenges in the way we think ab out the layered identities and communities of Asian American and Pacific I slander peoples.\n\n<strong><em>Transnational Lives in Motion: The Art of Laura Kina and Viet Le</em></strong>&nbsp\;examines the ways in which Asia n American transnationals construct and reconstruct the fabric of their id entities based on their location\, space and time.&nbsp\; From mixed-race identities with global connections\, to communities who seek refuge in the U.S. from the legacies of wars\, this exhibit highlights a few issues\, w hich impact immigrant\, refugee\, and multi-racial ethnic communities livi ng transnational lives.\n\nCo-curated by&nbsp\;<strong>Mary Yu Danico</str ong>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<strong>Michele Cairella Fillmore\n</strong>\n\n---\n \n<strong>GALLERY HOURS</strong>\n\nMon-Tues 4-8p\nWed-Thurs 12-4p\nSat-Su n 12-4p\nFridays Closed.\n\nFriday viewing arrangements made by appointmen t only.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>LOCATION INFO</strong>\n\nThe Kellogg University Art Gallery is located at the Northside of the&nbsp\; Bronco Student Cent er in Building 35A at California State Polytechnic University Pomona (3801 West Temple Avenue\, Pomona CA 91768)\n\n<strong>CONTACT INFORMATION</str ong>\n\nKellogg Gallery Direct: 909-869-4302\nHuntley Gallery Direct: 909- 979-5556\nEmail:\;\n\nWebsites:\n<a href="http:/ /" target="_blank"> llery</a>\n<a href="" target="_blank" ></a>\n<a href=" " target="_blank"></a>\n\nGalleries Curator: Michele Cairella Fillmore DTSTAMP:20240610T025948Z SUMMARY:Transnational Lives in Motion: The Art of Laura Kina and Viet Le URL:/en/events/2016/02/27/transnational-lives-in-motion-the-art-of-laura-ki / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR