BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160502T000000Z DTEND:20160502T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Hear about the newest Mas Arai mystery "Sayonara Slam" by Naomi Hirahara!\n\n es-and-signs-sayonara-slam\n\nFROM Vroman's website:\n\nAt Dodger Stadium it is Japan vs. Korea in the World Baseball Classic\, but before the first pitch is thrown\, Mas Arai finds himself in the middle of a murder. Myste ries layer atop mysteries in this sixth in the award-winning series featur ing the most unlikely of sleuths\, an aging\, widowed\, not-exactly-commun icative gardener from Altadena\, California. &nbsp\; Who is that unusual w oman throwing knuckleball pitches to warm up the Japanese team? Who sent t hugs to threaten Mas and accuse him of treason? And what were in the delet ed files on the murdered sportswriter s computer and did they hold secrets that led to his death? &nbsp\; The more mysteries Mas uncovers\, the deep er he gets drawn into a situation that soon grows dangerous - including th e danger of losing the affection of the woman he might someday admit he lo ves. &nbsp\;(Prospect Park Books)\n<em>Those wishing to get books signed w ill be asked to purchase at least one copy of the author's most recent tit le from Vroman's. For each purchased copy of the newest title\, customers may bring up to three copies from home to be signed. This policy applies t o all Vroman's Bookstore events unless otherwise noted. Save your Vroman's receipt\; it will be checked when you enter the signing line.&nbsp\;</em> DTSTAMP:20240609T135628Z SUMMARY:Naomi Hirahara discusses and signs Sayonara Slam URL:/en/events/2016/05/02/naomi-hirahara-discusses-and-signs-sayonara-slam/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR