BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160812T000000Z DTEND:20160812T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Nelson Izu-shi Friendship Society</strong>\n<strong>Obo n Picnic</strong>\n<strong>Friday August 12 th</strong>\n<strong>5:00 &nda sh\; 7:00 pm</strong>\n<strong><em>Rotary Shelter at Lakeside Park</em></s trong>\n\nObon is a traditional summer festival in Japan\, a time when peo ple throughout the country return to their hometowns for a three-day reuni on with family members and the spirits of their ancestors. It&rsquo\;s bot h a solemn occasion and a time to enjoy visiting with relatives.\n\n<ul><l i>This is a family picnic &ndash\; not a potluck. Please bring your own fo od\, dishes\, and utensils. We will have access to the BBQ grill.&nbsp\;</ li><li>We encourage you to bring your family and friends and make up a tab le so you&nbsp\;</li><li>Our program will include a short introduction to the society\, stories from former host families and visitors to Izu-shi\, a Japanese summer song\, and a Bon dance! If you have a Japanese yukata\, happi coat\, or summer fan\, please bring them!&nbsp\;</li><li>The picnic is also a fund raising event for our society. We will be selling raffle ti ckets for various donated prizes.&nbsp\;</li><li>If you would like to join the society\, annual memberships will be available at $5.00 per person or $10.00 per couple or family.</li></ul>\n\n<strong>For more information\, please contact us at: <a href="">nelsonizushi</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20240602T133408Z SUMMARY:OBON Picnic in Nelson\, BC URL:/en/events/2016/08/12/obon-picnic-in-nelson-bc/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR