BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161203T000000Z DTEND:20161203T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Japanese Canadians&rsquo\; Fight to Enlist in the C anadian Expeditionary Forces in WWI</strong>\n\nAdmission free\n\nPlease j oin us for a talk by David R. Mitsui\, grandson of WWI veteran Sgt. Masumi Mitsui.\n\nWhen the Canadian federal government put out a call for more r ecruits to fight in Europe in 1915\, the Issei in British Columbia created the Canadian Japanese Volunteer Corps\, as a way to demonstrate their all egiance to Canada and show that they were worthy of having the rights of f ull Canadian citizenship. This is the legacy of the Issei fought for Canad a during World War 1 in spite of discrimination.\n\nHowever\, due to racia l and discriminatory attitudes amongst the military leaders and also withi n both the provincial and federal governments\, the Corps was disbanded an d the Issei were not permitted to enlist in BC. In 1916 at least 227 Issei volunteers travelled to Alberta to enlist individually in the Canadian Ex peditionary Forces.&nbsp\; In spite of serving King and Country\, 54 Japan ese Canadians making the ultimate sacrifice\, and 13 Japanese Canadian sol diers being decorated for their bravery on the battlefields of Europe\, th eir return to Canada after the war was marked by those same racist and dis criminatory attitudes. DTSTAMP:20240603T174705Z SUMMARY:Museum Speaker Series: Yamato Damashii URL:/en/events/2016/12/03/museum-speaker-series-yamato-damashii/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR