BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190106T000000Z DTEND:20190106T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #c21313\;"><strong>FREE ALL DAY!</strong>\n \nWelcome the Year of the Boar with with crafts\, food\, cultural activiti es\, and performances!\n\n<ul><li>Traditional <em>mochitsuki</em> (Japanes e rice pounding ritual) performance by Kodama Taiko</li><li>Conversation w ith&nbsp\;<em>Kaiju vs Heroes</em>&nbsp\;artist Mark Nagata about his late st special limited edition toy figure\, an homage to the character portray ed by Gerald Okamura in the movie&nbsp\;<em>Big Trouble in Little Tokyo</e m>&nbsp\;which is being released that day. Nagata and Okamura will sign fi gures and a special print release.</li><li><em>Ruki: Power of Flow</em>&nb sp\;live art performance by Japanese calligrapher and hip hop dancer Kunih aru Yoshida and taiko player Walter Nishinaka</li><li>Candy sculptures by Shan the Candyman</li><li>Lucky&nbsp\;<em>zaru soba</em>&nbsp\;(cold buckw heat noodles) and and&nbsp\;<em>osechi-ryori</em>&nbsp\;(traditional Japan ese New Year foods) tasting</li><li>Souvenir photos by Nerdbot Photo Booth </li><li>Fun Oshogatsu and Year of the Boar-inspired crafts\, origami\, an d coloring activities</li><li><em>Fukubukuro</em>&nbsp\;(lucky grab bags) at the JANM Store</li><li><strong><span style="color: #61116a\;">JANM Memb ers Only reserved seating and express lines!</strong></li><li>Free admissi on all day to see&nbsp\;<a href=" oes" target="_blank"><em>Kaiju vs Heroes: Mark Nagata&rsquo\;s Journey thr ough the World of Japanese Toys</em></a>\,&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.janm. org/exhibits/gambatte" target="_blank"><em>Gambatte! Legacy of an Enduring Spirit</em></a>\, and&nbsp\;<a href=" round" target="_blank"><em>Common Ground: The Heart of Community</em></a>. </li> &hellip\;and so much more!\n</ul>\n\nVisit <strong><a href="http://w" target="_blank"> est2019</a></strong> for complete schedule.\n\n<em>Sponsored by Los Angele s County Arts Commission\, Dwight Stuart Youth Fund\, and The Nissan Found ation.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T131422Z SUMMARY:2019 Oshogatsu Family Festival - Year of the Boar URL:/en/events/2019/01/06/2019-oshogatsu-family-festival-year-of-the-boar/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR