BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200104T000000Z DTEND:20200104T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Pacific Asian Nuclear-Free Peace Alliance (PANPA) is hosting fr ee screenings of a 2019 Japanese documentary\, &ldquo\;Korean Schools in J apan&rdquo\; on Saturday\, January 4th\, and Sunday\, January 5th\,&nbsp\; 2020. This compelling film tells stories of 100 years of struggles against discrimination suffered by Zainichi\, the permanent ethnic Korean residen ts of Japan. \n\nKorean Schools in Japan were established right after the WWII\, and in the early years\, there were about 500 schools attended by 5 00\,000 students. They were ordered by GHQ\, the US occupational force\, a nd the Japanese government to close down the operation. After a long strug gle\, today about 60 of them\, from kindergarten to university remain.\n\n In 2010\, the Abe government decided that the high school education in Jap an should be free\; however\, in 2013\, Korean schools in Japan became exc luded from the program. Local governments also started cutting funding for these schools. \n\nThis 2019 film was produced\, written and directed by Ko Chanyu. The screening will be done with both English and Korean subtitl es. It is provided and presented by the courtesy of Education for Social J ustice Foundation.\n\nThis is the first of the film series presented by Pacific Asian Nuclear-Free Peace Alliance. The series explores the intersections of militarism\, colonialism and gender. Donatio ns would be highly appreciated. \n\nTsukuru Fors\, founder of Pacific Asia n Nuclear-Free Peace Alliance and curator of the series\, decided to inclu de this film\, because the policies of hate and animosity employed by the Abe government is its way to clear the path for re-militarization of Japan . The International community should be made aware of the dangerous path t hat Japan is on along with other governments/leaders who advocate war and militarism instead of peace and co-existence.\n\n<strong>Saturday\, Januar y 4th\, 2020\, 2pm to 4:30pm\nFruit of the Spirit Lutheran Church/Christ t he King Lutheran Church</strong>\n2706 W. 182<sup>nd</sup> Street\, Torran ce\, CA 90504\n\n<strong>Sunday\, January 5th\, 2020\, 4pm to 6pm\nKIWA (K oreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance)</strong>\n1053 S. New Hampshire Avenu e\, Los Angeles\, CA 90006\n\nFor Media Inquiries\, Please contact Tsukuru Fors: \\n(323)899-0463 DTSTAMP:20240609T123830Z SUMMARY:Free Screening: Korean Schools in Japan - Stories of Struggles Agai nst State-Supported Acts of Cultural Genocide URL:/en/events/2020/01/04/free-screening-korean-schools-in-japan-stories/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR