BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200404T000000Z DTEND:20200404T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Award-winning film uncovers secret histories of WWII&rs quo\;s Battle of Okinawa</strong>&nbsp\;\n\nOn April 4\, the Terasaki Nibe i Foundation will host a free screening of the award-winning documentary & ldquo\;Boy Soldiers: The Secret War in Okinawa&rdquo\; (Okinawa supai sens hi).\n\nDirected by Chie Mikami and Hanayo Oya\, the 114-minute film won B est Cultural Film at the prestigious Kinema Junpo Awards in Japan. Co-dire ctor Oya will be present for a post-screening Q&amp\;A.\n\nOkinawa\, the c hain of islands at the southernmost tip of Japan\, became the bulwark to p rotect the Japanese mainland toward the end of World War II. After the Ame ricans landed and a violent battle ensued\, over 200\,000 lives were lost\ , including many civilians.\n\nWhile the bloody war depicted in films such as &ldquo\;Hacksaw Ridge&rdquo\; ensued on the surface\, there was anothe r secret war developing in its shadow that not even Japanese people are aw are of. For over 70 years after the war\, survivors have been afraid to sh are the tragic details.\n\nGuerrilla units composed of boy soldiers\, mala ria epidemics\, allied troops and civilians killing other civilians&hellip \;and a conspiracy plotted by young elite generals who had just graduated from the Japanese army&rsquo\;s enigmatic &ldquo\;Nakano school.&rdquo\;\n \nThis documentary uncovers Japan&rsquo\;s greatest taboos concerning the Battle of Okinawa\, and also sounds alarms concerning modern Japan&rsquo\; s recent steps toward remilitarization.\n\n&ldquo\;Having done many interv iews with survivors of the Battle of Okinawa\, we realized that no matter what experience they had or where they were during the war\, all of them h ave reached to one single conclusion: &lsquo\;Japanese military didn&rsquo \;t protect us\,&rsquo\;&rdquo\; the directors wrote in a statement. &ldqu o\;Hearing the voices of the survivors and bringing hidden facts under lig ht was a responsibility for us as journalists working for Okinawa.&rdquo\; \n\nThis year marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa\, which claimed over 200\,000 lives including an estimated one-third of Okinawa&rs quo\;s pre-war population. A memorial day in Okinawa (Irei no Hi) is obser ved annually on June 23.\n\nThe free screening will take place on Saturday \, April 4\, 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Terasaki Nibei Foundation\, 11570 W. Olympic Blvd.\, Los Angeles 90064. Free on-site parking is available. For more information\, please contact Tsukuru at \, (323) 899-0463.\n\n<a href="" target="_blank" >Official Website (Japanese)</a>\n<a href="" t arget="_blank">Trailer (Japanese)</a>\n<a href=" jp/culture/2018/07/18/films/film-reviews/boy-soldiers-secret-war-okinawa-g ripping-stories-told-okinawans-provide-firsthand-account-war/#.XmmJGJNKh0c " target="_blank">The Japan Times Review (English)</a>\n\nCheck <a href="h ttp://" target="_blank"></a> for updates.\n DTSTAMP:20240612T202346Z SUMMARY:Boy Soldiers: Secret War in Okinawa - Free Documentary Screening - Possible postponement or cancellation URL:/en/events/2020/04/04/boy-soldiers-secret-war-in-okinawa-free-documen/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR