BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201101T000000Z DTEND:20201129T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Bunka no Hi is going virtual this year! Bunka no Hi\, or Japane se Culture Festival\, is a free cultural festival dedicated to celebrating \, commemorating\, and educating the public about Japanese and Japanese Am erican Culture in the Seattle area. We hope you can join us from the safet y of your home at our &ldquo\;Virtual Bunka no Hi&rdquo\;\, which will inc lude a new video every Sunday at noon (PDT) during the month of November.& nbsp\;\n\nThe new cultural videos will be available on the <a href="https: //">JCCCW&rsquo\;s YouTube channel</a><a href= "">.</a> Viewers can learn about Japan ese and Japanese American history and culture including Seattle&rsquo\;s J apantown (Nihonmachi)\, manga graphic novels\, storytelling (kamishibai)\, taiko performances\, mochi pounding (mochitsuki)\, and Japanese new year& rsquo\;s mochi soup (ozoni).\n\nWe encourage you to invite your friends an d family from across the country and around the world! The event is FREE t o join!&nbsp\;\n\nWebsite:&nbsp\;<a href=" i"></a>\n\nJCCCW Youtube Channel:&nbsp\;< a href=""> /JCCCWA/</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T173431Z SUMMARY:Virtual Bunka no Hi URL:/en/events/2020/11/01/virtual-bunka-no-hi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR